Pawna Blue Water Lake Camping in Lonavala, Tent stay in lonavla

Author: Opstec Kirti

Pawana blue water camping

Pawna Lake in Maharashtra is one beautiful artificial reservoir, named after the Pawna Dam. This one is located in the beautiful hill stations of Lonavala and Khandala and is one frequented weekend getaways from the city. Being a popular picnic spot, it remains crowded with little kids and their families on most of the public holidays and weekends. For those who love to be amidst nature, Pawna Lake has all the ingredients to make your day happy.

Enjoy your Holiday with family or friends at Pawna Blue Water Lake Camping in Lonavla, Pune. Live Music + Barbeque + Unlimited Food And Many Activities like Indoor Game and Outdoor Game. Spend Time and Make Beautiful Memories. Hurry Up! Visit Our site and Book Your Tent Now!!!