5 ways to optimize your blog for seo

Author: Manoj Kumar

If you aren’t living in a desolate forest then it’s highly likely you have heard the phrase SEO at some point in your life. SEO or search engine optimization stands at the forefront of the digital race to get those elusive top 3 rankings for your business in search engine results. There are many factors that play into getting your business listed organically on the search engine and one of the oldest techniques that still weighs heavily is writing blogs i.e. building content. Like everything else in life it also needs to be done in the correct manner in order to reap the benefits of it with regards to SEO. Some of the key things to focus on while writing blogs for SEO are as follows:

Great Content:

You can’t escape this no matter what as in the end of the day the blog needs to serve two purposes which are:

  • Attract traffic for your business
  • Retain traffic for your business

There are many factors involved in attracting traffic to a blog but in order to retain the audience and have them come back you need great content. So tip number one while writing a blog is to write on a topic that you have knowledge in, share new tidbits on that topic and be as coherent as possible with the writing. An example would be writing short sentences, doing spell checks and grammar checks.

Use Headlines and Tags:

Search engines scour the web for answers to queries and it happens every second. In order for them to find the right results it’s important to have the right headlines that guide the search engines what your blog is about. The key thing is that they should be labeled in a language that the search engine understands which are called H1, H2, and H3 etc.… tags. Make sure you give the main headline a H1 tag and subsequent ones H2 or H3 tag and so on.

Create a Catchy Headline:

Staying on the topic of headlines, this is the number one thing that attracts a viewer to click on your link so make sure that it is done appropriately and has ‘all the keywords that a reader may be looking for. It should also clearly give an idea about the contents of the blog. There is no benefit to tricking people into click on the link through misdirection.

Lists are great:

Research has shown that people are more likely to click on a link seo agency in bangalore if they are told in advance there is a finite list that they can peruse through whether it be 5 or 50. There is an innate inclination to go forward when they know where the end is. Also it is easier to read as well as great for search engines to understand all the topics.

Inward and Outward Links:

A great trick to use while writing a blog is to have and inward link such as this one, that goes to another article in the website. This way you keep the audience on the website as well as the best digital marketing agency in bangalore search engine crawler which starts inspecting your other pages by following that link. The second thing to do is add external links with no follow parameter so that you can show affiliation to big sites in your domain and possibly get links back from them. Note please keep these links towards the end of the article so that people don’t leave your article mid-way through.

These are but a few techniques for SEO optimization. Do let us know if any of these work for your business and if you want to learn more. If you do then we would be glad to present more SEO tips and tricks for you to do