Everything you Need to Know About NDIS Short-term Accommodation
Short-term accommodation is support for when you need to live away from home for a short period of time. This might be to give carers a break from their caring role, known as 'respite,' or it could be to help you if your normal support network is inaccessible for a short period of time. A short break away from home also provides you with relaxation as well as the opportunity to try new things, meet people, and learn new skills.
What does short-term accommodation include?Despite its name, short term accommodation in Cairns is more than only a place to stay; it also involves the care you receive while in there. This means it also includes:
- personal attention
- food
- activities agreed upon by you and the provider
Activities may include art therapy sessions, group exercise activities, or day trips, depending on the provider.
Short-term accommodation in your NDIS planThe NDIS provides funding for short-term accommodation under the 'Assistance with Daily Living' core support category. The NDIS will decide whether or not short-term accommodation is reasonable and necessary for you (as well as the amount of short-term accommodation funding you may obtain in your plan), based on the level of support you need, the informal facilities you have, your living situation, and your objectives.
Usually, the NDIS will cover up to 28 days of short-term accommodation each year. Because short-term accommodation funding is flexible, you can use it all at once or stretch it out over the course of the year.
Finding a short-term accommodation providerThere are several providers of specialised short-term accommodation, ranging from modest homes to bigger, hotel-style facilities. They can provide a wide range of services and support. Take your time investigating what's available and which NDIS short term accommodation providers in Cairns may meet your specific needs. Here are some tips on finding and selecting the right providers.
You can use non-registered providers if you have a plan manager, but these options are not always the best deal. This is because they usually do not include support, so you'd have to spend extra on these. When comparing prices, make sure to keep this in mind.
Remember that the NDIS considers value for money, so if you want to use non-registered accommodation, you should be able to showcase that the level of accommodation you've chosen is reasonable for your circumstances.
Using your short-term accommodation budgetThe simplest and best method to spend your short-term accommodation budget is to work with a qualified provider who blends your accommodation, food, care/support, and activities into one payment.
However, for a Cairns short term accommodation, you can claim housing, food, and activity costs individually as long as you stay under the maximum daily limit.
Hope, you have gathered enough information about the NDIS short term accommodation. If you find this post helpful, do share it with your friends, and get back to us for more similar posts!