Getting Fast Loans…Invoice Factoring verses Bank Loans
People may think why to go for invoice factoring companies instead of going for bank loans. Bank loans provide the fund that can be used as capital in the small businesses easily. There are several realistic points to one must understand when looking at these two types of means for capital. The important that a small business must exam are broken down by most important points as cost, speed and type of documentation required.
Interest rate
The cost of bank loans arenot much different than the cost of invoice factoring when analysed at the end of the year. The invoice factoring companies do charge a fee per invoice typically which increases the cost a little but it is a small price that brings a lot of value as the fee is used to verify the credit worthiness, assist in managing the collection, and in many cases credit insure the transaction. The banks on the other side gives loan that also require a lot more collateral so smaller businesses have potentially many more hurdles if they pursue a traditional bank line and less services when it comes to managing the invoice process and risk.
The Documentation part
Bank loans require a lot of documents and thus the processing time also extends to an often indefinite amount of time as their due diligence is quite extensive and the small business often has to take a lot of time to prepare this information. While this is happening, the small businesses still has to face the problem of cash flow continuously while also tying up valuable time of the small business from other marketing and sales opportunities. The invoice factoring companies, on the other hand, takes a minimal time to process the factoring invoice and the documentation also is very much less, which makes the entire process much easier to be controlled.
Time particulars
Bank's procedure of loan disbursement is so long that the smaller companies even face the threat of bankruptcy in the meantime. The immense documentation and surveillance and also the inspections and verifications takes so much time that the business faces the disruption of cash flow continuously. The invoice factoring companies provides the cash instantly and thus minimises the risk of cessation of cash flow to a great extent.
Invoice management
The banks are very good at processing loans which is great, but small businesses often need more assistance. Small businesses can often benefit from the services that assist in collecting on invoices. Businesses also benefit from outside help in analysing credit of their clients. There is also the benefit in credit insurance that most businesses do not have access to. The banks are not going to providing any support for these types of services. The invoice factoring companies, on the other hand, provides full support in these service areas. This means to thriving business that their invoices need no extra care except that care that is commercially reasonable such as making the invoices and mailing them because they now have the support of factoring invoice services. This, the businesses can fully concentrate on their own marketing and services which equates to better growth.
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