Know About the FAQs on Bunion Surgery in Jupiter, FL

Author: Jupiter Laser

When the alignment of your foot changes and your big moves towards the small toes, you will feel that a bunion has occurred. The experts of bunions surgery in Jupiter Fl will tell you that bunions form on the inside of the toes.

If the big toe rubs against the second toe, and there is a pressure of the bump against the toe, then pain can occur in your feet. Sometimes, pain can occur due to poor alignment of the toes as well.

When you fail to bear the pain of the condition, surgeons will perform the surgery on your feet. There are some other FAQs that you will certainly want to know if you are experiencing such a condition in your life. Let’s check it out.

How Bunions Are Corrected Surgically?

When surgeons operate bunions, there are multiple ways of doing it. While it is necessary to minimize the bump on the side of the foot, the surgery aims at realigning the foot. It is seen that there are mainly two types of bunion surgeries, which are performed by surgeons.

Minimally Invasive Treatment

The surgeons will realign the bones while making the toe straight. There will be tiny incisions, which will be done by the surgeons while doing this surgery. While the position of the toes will be improved by the use of screws, there will be fast recovery and less pain.

Open Bunion Surgery

While fusing the first tarsometatarsal joint, the surgeons need to make an incision on the midfoot. While giving a complete correction, the best podiatrist in Florida will make an additional and minimally invasive cut on your toe.

Open bunion surgery is that it can give better corrections for such conditions on your foot. Open surgery is done to correct the severe conditions of the bunions. The recovery takes a little longer, as the surgery includes a joint fusion.

What Is the Recovery Time?

When you are undergoing minimally invasive surgery, you will know that the recovery time is very little. Before you bear any weight, you will have a full feeling at your feet.

While you will need to keep your foot elevated 50 to 80% of the time, you need to limit your movements for the first two weeks. After six weeks of surgery, you will be able to wear the shoes.

While you need to maintain surgical alignments, the specialists will give you a bunion splint at 2 weeks for bunion surgery recovery. Based on the comfort and recovery from the swelling process, you will be able to wear shoes after some time.

You should not be able to bear any weight on the feet for 6 – to 8 weeks if you are undergoing the open bunion correction. After the surgery, you will be placed on a splint. There will slow recovery, but you will get completely healed.

Does Metal Hardware Come Out Easily?

There will be no harm, as the metal will remain in your foot forever. The surgeons can only take out the hardware, after a certain period. Once the bone is fully healed, the surgeons will remove the hardware.

What Type of Anesthesia Is to Be Administered?

While you will be in twilight sleep, the bunion treatment is done with the regional anesthesia. Once you are asleep the surgeons will perform the bunion surgery. The anesthesia will last long for 24 – to 48 hours and numbness will reign from your leg to the knee.

You will feel no pain during the surgery, as anesthesia will numb the area.

How To Put Ice After the Surgery?

While surgeons will provide the best podiatric treatment in Florida for bunions, you will surely know that the aftercare of the surgery is very important. You need to ask the specialists about the application of the ice.

The icing will give you some cooling effect and will subside the pain. The surgeons will do the dressing and put some ice after the dressing procedure is complete. It is necessary to remember, that whenever you do ice at home, you need to do it at a twenty-minute interval.

Can Dressing be Adjusted?

The surgeons will advise that you need to keep your dressing intact. These dressing should be dry and should be kept clean. You should be careful while using the shower bag. The shower bag should fit perfectly so that it docent dressing.

What About Elevation of the Feet?

Your surgeon will say that elevation of feet is important is very important for two weeks. While you need to make sure that the incision heals properly, swelling should be reduced for minimizing pain control.

The amount of elevation will determine the increase and decrease of swelling. In the post-operative phase, you need to limit your activities. You need to elevate your legs up to 80%.

Final Thoughts

The bunion for any person is a very serious condition. While you need to undergo surgical treatment, you will need to ask the surgeons about the recovery procedure as well.