About controlling fungi using fungicides

Author: Dhanuka Agritech

Invasive plant pathogens like fungi are responsible for a whopping $600 billion in agricultural damages globally. They also leave wide-ranging socio-economic impacts. Some of the significant food losses in world history, such as the destruction of wheat crops in the Middle Ages, the loss of grape vineyards of Central Europe etc., are associated with fungi and FLOs, short for fungal-like organisms. Notably, a study by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, found that airborne fungi cause more damage and diseases to crops like rice, potato, tomato, and ginger than bacteria and viruses.

Because these pathogens are reasons of huge damage, it is essential that plants are regularly inspected for the presence of fungi. Adequate steps should be taken to eliminate them and prevent chances of recurrence. One of the most practical ways to deal with fungi is to use fungicides appropriately. We encourage you to read this article further for more information about fungi, their impact, and prevention methods. It may be helpful for people looking for informed help about Fungicides for flag leaf in paddy, controlling fungi efficiently, rice pest control etc.

Content of this article

  • Stresses impacting plants

  • How fungi originate, and the extent of damage they cause

  • About fungicides

  • Different types of fungicides

  • Stresses impacting plants

Plants grow when they find a favourable environment. This includes full sun, nutrient-rich soil, timely access to water etc. However, they are exposed to various biotic and abiotic stresses throughout their growth stages. Abiotic stresses include stresses originating from lack of water, differing temperatures, drought, deficiency of minerals, availability of pollutants etc. On the other hand, biotic stress means biological organisms like insects, bacteria, viruses, weeds, pests, fungus, etc.

  • How fungi originate and the extent of damage they cause

When it comes to fungi, are plant pathogens responsible for causing various damages to plants. They kill plant cells and cause plant stress. Their source could be infected soil, crop debris, weeds etc. They can spread with air, water, human and animal movements, use of machinery and agricultural tools.

  • Controlling fungi using fungicides

The first essential thing to keep field fungi-free is to inspect plants regularly and eliminate fungus before they cause major damages. Choose plants with proven resistance to diseases. Adopt an efficient irrigation system, proper pruning, spacing etc.

Fungicides should be applied when needed. They refer to biocidal chemical compounds or biological organisms used to kill or prevent the growth of fungi and fungi spores. The effective use of fungicides can prevent different fungal infections and increase crop yields. They can support sustainable production and the development of major crop types.

  • Different types of Fungicides for flag leaf in paddy and others

Lustre, Godiwa Super, Conika, Cursor, Sixer, Fujita, Spectrum, Sheathmar, Vitavax Ultra, Dhanuka M-45, Vitavax Power, Dhanustin, Dhanucop, Hexadhan Plus, Kirari, Nissodium etc are some of the top choices for fungicides.

Please note that applying for fungicides works only when applied appropriately on time. Always use after reading the labels thoroughly and following all the instructions. For insights on the type, quantity and usage direction, one should seek an expert’s help. Meanwhile, please follow this website if you are looking for more information on fungicides, plant growth regulators, rice pest control, etc.