Refrigerator Repair Manhattan NY Experts Reveal the Leading Cause of Refrigerator Breakdown

Author: Appliance Doctorxny

It’s unthinkable to live without a refrigerator, making it one of the widely used appliances. You cannot do so much in your kitchen without a fridge. However, the importance of this appliance is often unnoticed until it fails to function.

Like other home appliances, refrigerators may malfunction and require a professional refrigerator repair Manhattan NY. If you do not know yet, here are the leading cause of refrigerator breakdown, according to refrigerator repair Manhattan experts.

Free Running

You will see some instructions about the unit’s free running for the first few hours after plugging the new unit on your refrigerator manual.

The manufacturing facility may have tested the new unit’s functionalities, but it is still raw to handle a full load of stuff. That is why running the unit for a few hours can prepare it to take a capacity load. Keep this in mind if you do not want to call for a refrigerator repair in Manhattan NY early on.

High Voltage Surge

An increase in voltage from the power surge causes an electrical current inrush within your refrigerator. This surge often generates excessive amounts of heat, damaging your appliance’s multiple parts. The icemaker, the compressor, and the control board are the three components that usually experience damage due to high voltage surges.

The control board is easily damaged once the electrical current’s surge creates excessive heat since it is the appliance’s most sensitive component. A professional refrigerator repair Manhattan can resolve the damaged board.


Are you guilty of this habit? Then, you are causing damage to your refrigerator. This appliance is designed to handle a specific quantity of food.

When you overstuff your refrigerator, the issue arises. Putting extra weight on the appliance’s compressor motor can result in a breakdown. This issue requires a refrigerator repair in Manhattan NY.

Frayed Cabling

Frayed cabling is another reason why you have will need a refrigerator repair in Manhattan. This issue causes your appliance to stop functioning.

The good news is that it is one of the easiest refrigerator-related issues to be solved, especially after identifying the faulty cabling’s location.

Refrigerant Leakage

In some cases, the cooling agent or refrigerant leaks, making your refrigerator stop cooling. If you want to solve this issue, the only solution you can make is to get a professional refrigerator repair Manhattan NY. The repairman will plug the leak and then refill the cooling agent based on the unit’s standard.

Lack of Maintenance

Without proper maintenance, your refrigerator’s lifespan can be shorter. Dirty condenser coils, motor failure, and mechanically locked compressors are the common causes of wear and tear.

Remember that refrigerator’s heart of the cooling system is the compressor; without it, your appliance cannot function. That is why proper maintenance is necessary to avoid issues.


Do not wait until your refrigerator starts to fail; check it regularly and perform proper maintenance. However, if the issue is in front of you, call a professional refrigerator repair Manhattan immediately.