How to Cultivate Your Thoughts to Create the Life You Want

Author: Jennifer Kropf

Have you tried affirmations only to find that it was hard to stick with them or that you didn’t feel like they were doing anything?

Our thoughts matter, and what we think about ourselves is how we live our lives. (For example, if you think you’re a runner, you’ll make it a more consistent part of your life. If you think you’re fat, you’ll feed into those thoughts and make it so.)

But changing these thought patterns is far from easy.

So, today, I’ll give great affirmations to try, but also my best tip for making affirmations WORK. First, here’s how I came across my secret weapon:

You see,

I was forgetting to say my affirmations constantly.

For a while I said them in the shower. When that didn't work I said them before bed, but I could never make it consistent.

So, I decided to put my affirmations front and center - and stop trying to make myself remember all the dang time.

Enter: Put 3-5 of your affirmations in your phone as reminders

Just let them pop up (without any effort on your part) periodically throughout the day.

Pretty easy right?

For even more impact, turn off social media and texting notifications so that your affirmations are ALL you ever see.

You wouldn't think just adding your affirmations to your phone would make a big difference but it does. It's a game changer in fact because you look at your phone a bajillion times a day anyway.

Now, what affirmations would be good?

If you’re looking for more gratitude in your life, or a happier mood, try things like:

I’m grateful for the small pleasures of today.

I’m thankful for this food that nourishes my body.

It’s a blessing all that my body does for me today.

See more daily affirmations for gratitude and thankfulness here.

If you’re looking to ease your worries, try:

This too shall pass.

I focus on one thing at a time today.

I am working on cultivating my inner calm.

See more positive affirmations for anxiety here.

And finally, if you’re looking for more self-love, try one of these:

I love the person I am, and the person I’m becoming.

I give myself grace today, for any mistakes that I make.

It’s ok to not be ok.

I am beautiful on the inside and out.

Now, create your own!

You don’t have to just use these examples. Whether you’re looking for more calm, a fitter figure, or a more positive outlook – you can have it. It simply takes consistency. So, write down a few affirmations today that fit your goals and put them in your phone.

In Conclusion

There you have it! Use the affirmations ideas and the special tip to start creating the life you want. After all, isn’t it time you cultivated your life, proactively, instead of always reacting outside forces.

Your boss, your kids, and your partner aren’t in control of your life. It’s time for you to take the reigns friend.