Solar Panels - Useful Information About Panels Installation

Author: Tracy Richardson
The dimensions of photovoltaic panel

The dimensions of photovoltaic panels depend on the two parameters, depend on surface we have to use on the roof, facade, and plot of land and depend on the energy demand. In the case of a roof, the type of the roof is important.

Purpose of the project

Why we invest on PV? Although the investment costs of PV do not look very good at first, we engage in PV panels to save money on electricity after the return on investment is completed.

The return of invest usually takes about 6-8 years. What it depends on? Certainly, from the efficiency of the solar panels, which means that better but smaller ones will produce the same amount of current as larger and cheaper solar panels. However, the dimension of panel is selected so as not to overload the roof and meet the household demand for electricity.

At this moment comes the first issue that is rarely discussed of, it is estimating the demand for electric power.

Demand for electricity and for PV panels

PV panels can cover all such needs, or only part of needs for the householders, but it depends on the possibilities related to the available space on the roof.

It does not entirely depend on the house owner decision, but last decision belong to firm who will realize this invests.

The company in which we order the photovoltaic system will take care of the energy audit of the house. Only after the audit will it be possible to calculate the power of the panels used and the area they will occupy.

How does it look like in an example?

PV technology is standards, so dimensions of the panels are similar. PV panels consist of 60 or 72 photovoltaic cells. The width of the panels is about 100 cm, and the length is about 180 cm - 200 cm, with an average power of 300 W, a thickness of 4 cm and an efficiency of 18 percent.

The typical wattage of a residential solar panel is around 300W. A typical three-bedroom house would need about a 3.5 kWh solar panel system and this is around 12-16 panels.

Planning PV panels on spare space of the roof

Before you start your invest with PV panels, you should pay attention that it is extremely important to check the dimensions of the photovoltaic panels to make sure that they will find on the roof a mounting spaces. When it comes to weight, PV panels usually weigh around 19 kilograms.

An additional issue included in the planning of a photovoltaic investment is the use of special structures to support the PV panels. These structures are to keep the distances between panels to regulate the shadow zone.

To preparing plan to install PV panels, important is the type of roof. On a sloping roof, can install more PV panels than on a flat roof, can fill the entire surface.

PV panels for households - conclusion

The size of a solar system depends on how much power you want to get. The needs of households will be secured by installations that fit on the roof on a typical 3-bedroom house. In the last years, especially on farms, gaining popularity of above-ground PV installations.

Btw. planing the PV panels installation, it is worth to consider installing also one or two solar thermal panel. They will give you warm water for a part of the year for your home.

The last thing to remember when you decide to order solar panels installation is to sign a contract with solar panel engineer about periodical maintenance of panels and full service.

Solar panels can reduce your carbon footprint by tonnes of CO2 every year.