A beginner's guide for growth hacking

Author: Makhana SEO

Traditional marketing efforts aren’t as effective as they used to be once. Is your business completely relied on traditional marketing?

Hopefully not!

There's a good chance you've heard of the term "growth hacking." Aren’t you?

What’s happening?

Startups are abuzz with the term "growth hacking." "Pivoting" and "iterating" are no longer relevant terms. It is all about growth hacking these days.

Growth hacking is here to stay, whether you like it or not.

The reason we get to see a few new firms every year with such absurd growth rates is because of this phenomenon.

Growth hacking has only been around for a few years, but it's already gaining traction.

Pro tip

What is the best way to find an email address?

Many organizations are unaware that, in addition to their websites and social media handles, there is an excellent technique to identify their prospects' exact email address format.

If you're unfamiliar with how to find free email addresses, this tip is for you.

To find an email address, tools such as Hunter.io and GetEmail.io are utilized, both of which provide a free version.

This is an excellent method for increasing the size of your email list.

Why is growth hacking becoming so popular?

What if I told you that Every startup is on the lookout for growth hackers to assist them in scaling their operations.

The reason for this tendency is obvious: every company wants to expand at breakneck speed, raking up millions of customers and millions of dollars in revenue.

Let's have a look at what growth hacking is all about.

What precisely is growth hacking?

Sean Ellis created the phrase "growth hacking" in 2010, which was twelve years ago.

When compared to more traditional forms of marketing, growth hacking takes an entirely different approach. It infuses marketing with science.

It can be defined as a purely data-driven marketing approach focused solely on one goal: "growth." Experimentation is a major part of the process.

What distinguishes it from traditional marketing?

A conventional marketer would simply be concerned with boosting traffic to a website or store; however, growth hackers are concerned with the entire client journey.

For example, will people use the website, have a good user experience, and understand the main reason they came to the website?

All of their efforts are aimed at giving the customer that "Ahaa" or "Yes, I need this right now" moment.

As you can see, growth hacking is more than marketing, blurring the boundaries between marketing and product development. We can refer to it as engineered marketing.

In general, a marketer considers investments, conversions, and so on, but a growth hacker is less likely to worry about these things and focuses solely on growth.

What is the role of a growth hacker?

Growth hackers test and optimize various user activation, marketing, or product tactics in order to develop a business, typically a fast-growing tech startup

Finally, some thoughts

In this article, we learned what growth hacking is and what it takes to create a product that is market ready.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to growth hacking. Rather, it is the mindset of those who promote business.