How GCs can diminish onsite risks with preemptive field data.

Author: Ifield Smart

What is Risk Management for GCs?

The construction industry faces a myriad of risks – from onsite hazards to working in an uncontrolled environment, adding subcontractors, or managing multiple job sites; general contractors face numerable challenges that could lead to clashes, rework project delays, and cost overages.

Ultimately, managing and resolving project risks effectively and efficiently is good project management. That’s why it is crucial to accurately pinpoint where risks originate and the tools to resolve them.

Unavoidable construction risks.

  • Technical ambiguities
  • Cost overages
  • Onsite safety
  • Legal complications

1. Technical Issues.

Microscopic modifications, changes, updates, etc. can derail complex and large-scale projects. Projects that can go out of control for GCs if not resolved in a timely behavior.

Exemplar technical issues.

  • Schedule overages
  • Design ambiguities
  • Frequent changes in project scope
  • Labor and Material shortages

2. Cost overages.

Multiple factors can influence the project budget. Projects hit by cost overages create a negative impact on general contracting companies leading to lower profitability and business loss.

Exemplar Cost issues.

  • Time and payment setbacks
  • Equipment or maintenance costs
  • Design alterations
  • Inspection needs
  • Labor insufficiency
  • Greater inflation
  • Supply chain issues
  • Assessment needs

3. Onsite safety.

Keeping onsite personnel and adjacent individuals safe is of utmost importance during actual construction. Having an effective and efficient Experience Modification Rate (EMR) can control risks and promote safety. This reduces insurance costs.

Exemplar Safety issues.

  • Labor mishaps
  • Uncontrolled working conditions
  • Elevated insurance prices

4. Legal complications.

Legal complications can derail or even close down general contracting businesses. Ergo, compliance and contract commitments need to be fulfilled.

Exemplar Legal issues.

  • Client disagreements
  • Subcontractor and stakeholder problems
  • Compliance breach

The Objective.

Bailout of risks and save money.

Construction risks diminish profitability. Unforeseen costs pile up and forced expenses reduce your profit bottom line.


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