Permanent hair straightening information- How to permanently straighten hair

Author: Eyethreading Browbar

Permanent hair straightening is one of the simplest ways to change the outlook of your hair. One of the advantages of straightening is maintenance. Straightened hair is much simpler to handle, looks neater and is simpler to untangle.

There are different ways to straighten your hair temporarily in a mens hair salon Werribee, including blow drying and using a flat iron. Sadly, these methods don’t last very long and most only last until the next time you wash it. There are various things to consider before you determine on permanent straightening. First of all, there are special conditioners and shampoos; you will have to use to keep your hair straight. Secondly, you will have to be mindful to not allow it to get damaged from the pollution, dust and sun.

So how you can straighten permanently?

  • You will like to start with neat hair and there are different pretreatment shampoos available for permanent hair straightening.
  • You might want to apply a petroleum cream to your scalp to prevent any chemicals from reaching your skin.
  • The relaxer is added to the hair. Once the relaxer has been provided the right amount of time to work miraculously, comprehensively rinse with warm water.
  • A neutralizer is then applied. Neutralizers restore the PH levels of the hair, oxidize and release the protein bonds in your hair.
  • Ultimately, a conditioner is applied to assist in restoring the oils and health of your hair.

After you have rinsed the conditioner, you will want to blow dry your hair at your chosen beauty salon in Werribee. Once it is completely dry, use a quality ceramic flat iron to straighten your hair. It is vital to leave the hair untouched for a few days and not shampoo or condition the hair.

Chemically straightened hair is brittle and dry; hence it is vital to use quality products that serve your new hair. Deep condition every couple of days to make sure that it regains moisture. Appropriate maintenance will keep it from breaking or getting damaged.

As for different kinds of hair straightening choices, there are mainly three types. The first and the costliest one is the Japanese straightening system also called thermal reconditioning. The procedure originated in Japan but has caught up in the rest of the world lately. In this method, the hair becomes healthier, straight, smooth and shinier than before and it lasts for a long time also. Therefore, the money is completely worth spending on it.

The next method is called cold smoothening. Herein, there is no usage of heat on the hair and it enables you to add some waves and curls to your straight hair with some frizz. Nonetheless, it also takes off some shine from the hair. Nonetheless, it costs less and is also less time taking.