How to Verify Your Development Partner

Author: The Scalers

Whether to go offshore or to outsource? That's the eternal question businesses face when looking to scale up their software development operations, especially in this time of rapid transformation. There's a skill shortage of highly talented engineers in Western Europe, North America, and Australia where the biggest tech giants hire the best of the best and everyone else finds themselves in a highly intense battle for top talent. Outsourcing is excellent for one-off projects, but for a long-term, value-adding extension of your local team then an offshore dedicated team is the way to go. But, to go offshore as smoothly as possible, you should partner with an offshore team builder with the ability to help you achieve your strategic objectives.

But how do you choose?

  1. Cost effectiveness

Of course, arbitrage is a factor when hiring developers abroad. But, these days it's more about accessing skills you can't find at home. It's ultimately about people. However, considering that cost is indeed a factor, it's important to take it into consideration. On average, running your software development centre might cost 50% of what you’d pay at home. But, can they deliver? Whoever you approach, get specific about the costs. Enquire about quotes, timelines, and future costs.

2.Previous successes

When looking to partner up, you need to make sure you're working with a partner with verifiable past results. A proven approach, one that encompasses hiring, operations, admin, and future scaling on demand. Are they able to deliver these things holistically? And, do they place a strong emphasis on integration and alignment of local and offshore teams? The latter is super important, as cultural buy in to your company's values is key when enabling local and offshore teams collaborate seamlessly. Preferably, they should have a multitude of case studies available on their website, so you can see the kinds of companies they've helped previously and in which industries.

3.Culture, culture, culture

As discussed, cultural alignment is key. Building an offshore team means working with people from a diverse array of backgrounds. Though these cross-cultural teams are becoming commonplace, an offshore partner that recognises this and builds this into their hiring is very important. As is ensuring the developers hired match your organisations existing company culture. Their assessment stages should also include a personality-fit test. Lastly, their approach to communication and open dialogue is crucial. When working with an offshore development partner based 10,000 miles away, communication is key.

Read more: Increase innovation with a captive Offshore development center

4.Can they help you scale fast?

An offshore partner that looks after you operations enables you to focus on your business objectives on a higher level, over the long term. But, it's crucial to know if they have the capability to allow you to scale on-demand as your business grows. The best offshore partners will assign a dedicated 'on the ground' success manager to help you add engineers as you wish, in line with your development objectives and related capacity requirements.
