Learn how Reality Capture will continue to change the Design and Construction landscape.
Current practices to capture field conditions are manual and tedious, and often accompanied by inaccurate data. This leads to costly rework and project delays. Whether it is a complex renovation project or a large-scale infrastructure project, traditional surveying and documentation begin with a raster image based on a 2D blueprint that is converted in CAD to an editable file. Surveyors visit the construction site to verify existing conditions with the actual blueprint and check for any inconsistencies in the existing 2D blueprints.
For spaces that cannot be captured efficiently, other processes or tools are required to be used to measure objects through an easy and efficient process. Not only is this process time-consuming, but turns out to be incomplete and inaccurate leading to costly rework, delays, and change orders.
Traditional surveying methods exhibit the following limitations.
- Low reliability
- Limited accuracy and data coverage
- Inadequate As-Built data for 3D models or CAD drawings
- Inconsistent survey information that could lead to higher survey requirements
- Cost-prohibitive based on the need to hire survey experts, multiple site surveys, and costly rework
Ergo, an imperfectly set process often pulls projects into cost and time overruns due to expensive RFI’s and change orders.
Why deploy Reality Capture in Architecture and Design?
- Generate precise dimensions for As-Built drawings
- Create an accurate visualization of the design based on existing conditions
- Validate 3D models with real-time design
- Enhance stakeholder coordination and collaboration for the entire project
- Reduce project guesswork and mitigate errors
Why deploy Reality Capture in Engineering and Construction?
- Begin a project with precise data and problem identification
- Avoid rework and costly delays through absolute collaboration
- Reduce the number of site visits to save cost and time
- Track project progress & identify potential problems
- Validate actual work against the proposed design to make sure the project stays within budget
- Leverage total collaboration throughout the project by comparing plans with 3D models
- Share project progress with various trades and teams
Reality Capture processes enable design and construction teams to leverage true confidence in their project. The difference in time, efficiency, and cost are far greater than in traditional surveying. As Reality Capture provides tremendous value at every building stage, its application can be extended to complex and large-scale renovation projects by saving on ROI, reduction in field trips, and better decision making.
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