Buy Butternut Squash from Suppliers to Try Delectable Dishes

Author: Pampa Store

Typically considered as a vegetable, Squash is a fruit that grows in vines. It is power-packed with essential nutrients and vitamins and is easy to consume in different ways. Squash suppliers basically deal with two kinds of squash: summer and winter. The former is tender with a shorter shelf life whereas the latter has long-lasting edibility.

Amongst so many winter squash varieties available, Mexicans are fond of butternut squash. It has a sweet flavor and is commonly used for preparing sweet dishes as a replacement to sugars. Counted as a rich source of vitamin A, it is a cholesterol-free, fat-free, high-fiber and low-sodium fruit. Eating butternut on the daily basis meets daily requirement of sodium, fiber and calories to a significant level. Moreover, buying squash from organic suppliers and consuming it on a regular basis provides the following health benefits:

  1. It helps in preventing vision loss
  2. It reduces risk of prostate and lung cancer
  3. It reduces risk of chronic diseases
  4. It reduces the risk of suffering from measles

Cooking Tips for Butternut Squash

Many people prefer eating squash in a raw form but cooking softens its flesh and makes it easier to digest. Moreover, health experts recommend that eating squash with skin is not advisable due to unpleasant taste. Try to relish its natural sweet taste by cooking it in the following manner:

  1. Cooking Until Golden Brown: This variety of squash is difficult to peel due to hard skin, therefore cook it until it becomes golden brown and soft. While cooking, ensure to not to overcook it. For cooking it in the right manner, cook it at a medium-high heat and keep watching it for changes in skin color.
  2. Removing Skin and Seeds: To cook the squash in a quick manner and for better taste, it is necessary to remove its skin and skin. Follow the same principle if you are cooking it on cooker or sautéing in a pan. For removing the skin, using a vegetable peeler is indispensable. However, seeds are easy to remove manually.

Higher shelf life is one of the main advantages of buying winter squash in the large numbers from squash suppliers. Winter squash is good to use even after two or three months of purchase. And if there is any squash leftover, simply keep it in an airtight container and store them. This will preserve its freshness for minimum a week’s time.

Right Storage Technique

If you are not in the mood to cook butternut squash immediately, maintain its edibility for up to one month by keeping it in a dark and cool place. In case you have peeled it, then you have to refrigerate it immediately and need to use within a week’s time.

If you want to maintain the nutrition value of peeled squash, simply freeze it. Cut the butternut squash purchased from squash suppliers in cube or slice and place it in an airtight container. You can even cook it before placing in the freezer. The nutrition value and freshness of the squash remain intact for up to one year.

3 Lip Smacking Butternut Squash Recipe

If you have purchased butternut squash from reputed online squash suppliers, then no need to wait further. Try these lip-smacking dishes and surprise your family members:

  1. Sandwich: If your family members are fond of eating grilled cheese sandwich, combine the fontina cheese with roasted butternut squash. You can choose cheese of any kind as per your preference to create a sweet yet tangy taste.
  2. Soup: If you are looking for a healthy evening snack, give a try to vegan butternut squash soup. Add your favorite vegetables along with butternut squash and make your soup healthy as well as nutritious.
  3. Salad: You can even add cooked butternut squash in a kale salad and give it a healthy twist. Top it with your favorite cheese to make a retreat.

Ideal Time to Purchase

Though this is one fruit available in all season, it is the best to purchase during the winter season when they are available in abundance. To get the right product, make a purchase from reputed squash suppliers. If you are purchasing it from the local market, pick the one with a pear-shaped appearance and have thick and blemish-free skin.

You will easily find winter squash in the marketplace in various varieties, but butternut is one of the most sought-after. Easily available and versatile, try making different dishes with butternut squash and impress your family members with your culinary skills.