Magento Infinite Scrolls and Magento Profit Report Extensions by Xthemers

Author: Christopher Newman

Magento Extensions is an essential factor for ruling over any online business or Ecommerce platform. To rule any online store or business, it needs a great comfort zone of Magento solution in order to provide complete solution of magento with ease and having a complete control hands on it. An owner who rules over the small business or having small employee of team should know how to control the Magento Profit Report for budget. So, with the help of magento extensions it will control all the processes of business flow and also handle the modules of Ecommerce.

Magento have power to import any products or images, due to the presence of magento’s CMS mould. Its CMS module carries rich features of magento and can able to build the entire biggest online store with the necessary content. While adding of products and images manually carry lot of time and also decrease the lead of the significant development.

Using of CSV files is used to import all of the files of magento easily and can able to spread over technology. Hence, CSV has been proved as successfully import of files.

Magento Profit Report

CSV is used to report of all the individual products profit and can easily be export it offline analysis of all your sales. It is small but carries all of the necessity and abilities of Ecommerce store. Xthemers offers you eligible Magento Profit Report extensions with all proper upgradation and with life time validity.

Xthemers offers you some of the rich features Magneto Profit Report extension

  • This extension is mostly compatible with all new versions.
  • It offers you great profit analysis of products and stores.
  • It gives you proper analysis of time duration as accordingly month, day, or year.
  • Helps to give within appropriate time period.
  • It helps you to give proper filtration of products between the required dates.
  • It offers Final output filtration in all specific time duration.
  • It has ability to import all the CSV file format and get easily export
  • It requires of magento coding practices.
  • Report also mentions all the details of products as name, price, sell cost, total cost and so on.

Magento Infinite Scroll

Xthemers also offers one of the great magento extensions as Magento Infinite Scroll

Magento Infinite Scroll is for express all the products or enables to browse all the products in single page, just like facebook is used show all the information in one single page.

Xthemers offers you all required features of Magento Infinite Scroll Extension

  • It avoid using of lazy process of paging
  • It offers you great functionality paging facility like facebook
  • It can get easily scroll the products in one page itself.
  • Allows you to give great user interaction between the products
  • It offers great chances conversion of customers due to its presence of rich continuous effect.
  • It has facility of great admin effect of Jquery and other essential supports
  • Required only sufficient knowledge of coding.

Magento infinite Scroll is a great extension for paging with all the necessary requirements of products and services.

Xthemers offers you affordable Magento Infinite Scroll and Magneto Profit Report extensions with all necessary requirements of support and products you will get in one place.