Hyperledger Challenge 2022 is All Set!

Author: Codezeros Technology

The Hyperledger community ensures to integrate diversity, civility, and involvement in programs. Innovators are highly influenced and encouraged to bring diversity while developing their teams. The Hyperledger community has launched a Hyperledger challenge to use the power of communities to plan and develop innovative solutions for technologies.

The advances in innovative technology from the current sophisticated enterprise Hyperledger solutions have more advantage over one or more Hyperledger projects and are eligible for the Hyperledger Challenge. The challenge features three main rounds for developing sustainable solutions from different ideations. The innovators who will complete the challenge can gain access to training guides and the Hyperledger community for the development of solutions.

Hyperledger Foundation: The Hyperledger Foundation hosts numerous Hyperledger frameworks, which are enterprise-grade software projects. The software projects are built by the developer community for merchants, service providers, start-up organizations, and others to create and deploy blockchain network solutions. Hyperledger is an open-source solution created to advance blockchain technology trends.

It is based on a Hyperledger platform for offering distributed ledger solutions. The fabric refers to an implementation of blockchain technology developed under Linux's Hyperledger project. Also, the innovators can deploy secure blockchain solutions using Hyperledger sawtooth development. It is easier to build a robust and scalable project by using sawtooth development.

The Hyperledger challenge will feature the following:

A network of support for new innovators for advancing current modern enterprise-grade ledger technology. A proper venue to connect and interact with leading entrepreneurs for learning, scaling up, and achieving new heights of impact in the world.

The Hyperledger blockchain framework aims to create a secured community for everyone. It allows users to access all the benefits of the Hyperledger challenge.

Hyperledger Challenge:

The Hyperledger challenge will have three rounds, 'ideate,' 'prototype,' and 'launch' for developing various innovative technology from a wide range of ideas to provide supportable Hyperledger solutions.

The innovators can guide and support the development of solutions. The ideation phase was started on 18th January, and the submissions for participating in the Hyperledger challenge till 1st March 2022.

Information about the Hyperledger Challenge is described below.

1. Ideate Challenge:The innovators identify a concept that helps in the advancement of sophisticated enterprise-level Hyperledger technology, which leverages over one or more Hyperledger projects. The concept should be clear, and the innovators must reach a perfect market fit solution for fulfilling the market needs.

The requirements for ideate challenge submissions are as follows.

1.Project name

Innovation Tagline (be creative about the mission statement of the project)3.List of Hyperledger fabric development projects (Projects will be leveraged to develop your solution)4.The project members’ data includes their name, email, social media links, and project keywords.5.The project description will be no more than 1000 words, including graphics.The innovators have to mention high-level details about their project along with technical specifications.6.The innovators are free to describe the problem and explain inadequate solutions. 7.The innovators can describe the solution and state reasons why their solution is more sophisticated than current or existing solutions. 8.Identification of talent or resource gaps and needs. 9.The innovators can define goals for their prototype and launching status to provide high-level plans to meet users’ goals.

2. Prototype Challenge:The innovators can develop a prototype for their proposed solution, which offers high functionality. The prototype must demonstrate that the solution can fulfill market needs for further follow-on development.

The requirements for prototype challenge submissions are given below.

1.Project name2.Innovation Tagline3.The project members have to provide their names, email ids, and social media links.4.Inserting project keywords5.Preparing a 5-minute presentation for the prototype demo.6.Identify community members to help in the advancement of the proposed solution.7.The presentation slides should cover topics such as introduction, problem, solution, traction, market opportunity, competitive edge, team, and community ask questions.

3. Launch Challenge:The innovators collaborate to create an environment using their Hyperledger platforms and development tools. The innovators are valued based on providing impactful solutions for commercial adoption.

The requirements for launch challenge submission are as follows.

1.Assign project name2.Innovation Tagline3.The names, email ids, and social media links of project members should be mentioned.4.Inserting project keywords5.Preparing a 10-minute presentation for the launch demo. 6.The 10-minute project pitch should include an introduction, problem, solution, traction, market opportunity, competitive edge, team, and questions.

Challenge Eligibility:

The innovators’ team that has a connection with the evaluation committee will not be allowed to participate in the challenge. Employees who are co-sponsors of the Hyperledger challenge cannot participate. The participating teams are bound to follow the license agreement for projects.


Hyperledger development being a global enterprise blockchain project, offers various standards, frameworks, guidelines, and tools to build blockchains technologies and other applications for usage in different industries. The goal of the Hyperledger challenge is to make a community identify and explore the applications of blockchain technology.