5 Must Have Skills For A PHP Developer

Author: Amar Singh

PHP is an abbreviation for Hypertext processors. It is an open-source server scripting language and an amazing tool that is used for making dynamic and interactive web pages. According to a study done by w3techs.com, this language is used by 89.9% of all websites, including Facebook, Zoom and Wikipedia. Since PHP is such a ubiquitous language in website development and business, it can be a great choice for many people. There are many PHP jobs available in the market. So, if you are a budding PHP developer, here are some of the skills you would need to master to become a successful one.

Knowledge of other programming languages

If you have started your search for PHP jobs, you would know the first thing you need to be familiar with is the PHP language. But that is not enough. Learning only PHP won’t help you get the job. You must also have a solid understanding of front end programming languages like HTML, CSS and javascript. These languages will help you spot and correct errors in web design. It will also help you understand how these languages affect the user experience and serve them better. Learning and getting comfortable with databases is also very important. You can learn MYSQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle. It will make you a better programmer and a valuable member of your team.

Understand PHP best practices and design patterns

Design patterns are really useful in PHP. They can help speed up development by providing repeatable solutions to common problems. They make the code much easier to read for other developers as they are able to identify patterns in the code. Factory, Strategy and Singleton are some of the most common design patterns in the PHP application. You must take some time to learn the best practices when working with different PHP frameworks. Connect with people working with the language and learn about mistakes they made and how you can avoid them.

Be comfortable with Composer, PSR and PHPUnit

Other tools that will help you become a better developer are Composer, PSR, and PHPUnit. A composer is a dependency manager that takes care of libraries, functions and classes. It also checks for any new versions of the libraries and updates them as required. PSR stands for PHP standard recommendation and is published by the PHP framework interoperability group. It is designed to standardize PHP programming concepts and improve the interoperability of PHP components and frameworks. Anyone who wants to become a PHP developer must learn and follow these standards. PHPUnit is a popular unit testing framework which is used for automating the testing of small units of code against expected results. Unit testing is another good practice that a PHP developer must adopt.

Good Communication

Even if you learn all the languages required to become a developer, you will still not be called a good developer unless you become a good communicator. You would be required to talk to clients, colleagues, and other team members and explain how your work fits into their product. You might also be needed to explain your code to your boss or colleagues, and you can only do so if you are a good communicator. Good communication leaves little to no room for miscommunication.

Problem Solving

As a PHP developer, you will face many challenges. You will be able to tackle all those challenges only if you are a problem solver. Problem Solving is a soft skill that many recruiters seek in a developer. It helps you understand the underlying cause of the problem and work towards its solution. Similarly, as a developer, you would be needed to look for errors and shortcomings in your code. You would then have to come up with different solutions and find the best one among them. A problem solver can do that much more quickly and effectively.

And that’s it! Becoming a good PHP developer is constant work. To stand out from the crowd, you must have the right set of hard skills and soft skills. After you have built them, you can look at the PHP jobs in the market and start applying to them!

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