Avail the Best Digital Recording Equipment to Suit Your Needs

Author: Navjeet Kaur

There is a vast array of recording equipments that are readily available to record conferences, interviews or focus groups. These recording can be further transcribed with the help of a knowledgeable and dependable transcription company. This article would help a person to have knowledge about different features that are offered by these recorders and how can these recorders be helpful in recording an interview or any other file that is required to be transcribed.

Recording quality

Recorded quality can be indicated as:

  • SHQ- stereo high quality
  • HQ- high quality
  • SP- short play
  • LP- long play

Out of the above stated quality, SHQ is the best and is used by professionals who want to record their conference or meetings in the best possible manner. However, SHQ files are heavy in size and thus they consume a lot of memory. These files are best suited for situations where you require clearer recording but for general recording, users prefer mono settings.

Recording time

Another important factor, recording time generally depends on the quality of the file. You may be required to avail long recording time if you are recording an important conference or are doing a research work but in some cases when you have easy access to a computer, you may require less recording time. Having good knowledge about the required recording time can also has an impact on the price of transcription services that you would be availing.

Computer interface

If you are outsourcing transcription work in some other city or country, you may be required to send the file over the internet as a email, transfer it by FTP or use any other method to send it over the internet. In any case, if you wish to transcribe the file yourself, you would be required to have a computer to download it. Thus it is important that the files work in sync with the computer interface that you are using.

The file type

File type is often one of the most overlooked points. The audio file can be presented in various formats which include.mp3,.dss,.wma,.wav. The.wav files are the files that offer best voice quality as the audio would be present in uncompressed format..wma file are type of compressed files that are used to decrease the file size while maintaining its sound quality. Therefore when outsourcing the work, ask the transcriber about the format that they use and send your file in that format only.

The editing process

Editing process might be required if you are using the recorder to record dictation rather than recording an interview. This is because when you are recording a dictation, you may want to delete few lines and overwrite them with new words.

So the next time you wish to avail transcription services make it a point to choose a digital services that suit your requirement as it can help you to avail the best services. A well recorded audio file when compared to a poorly recorded file can also help you to save on your money

If you are looking for quality Market research transcription service, count on us. Being reliable transcription service providers, we maintain integrity, consistency and accuracy in our service. To know more about us, check out our website verbatimtranscription.net/market-research.html today.