What You Should Know About Obtaining Legally Acceptable Surveillance Video

Author: Jenny Johnpeter

In recent years, the usage of video surveillance for commercial and residential purposes has increased. Video surveillance is becoming more accessible to many entities as technology advances, and costs fall drastically. The most prevalent reasons for installing video surveillance cameras are security and crime control concerns. Cameras are used by businesses to deter theft and identify offenders. Residences have installed cameras to detect vandalism and improve resident security. Some shops use video surveillance to track customer behaviour, such as which store lanes they visit, where they stop, and which things they check.

Video surveillance is primarily used to detect and aid in investigating illegal activities. When used correctly, it can act as a strong deterrent. Although video surveillance can help improve individual safety and asset protection, it also poses a threat to the privacy of those whose personal information is captured, used, and revealed due to the technology. The risk to privacy is extremely significant because video surveillance can and frequently does record the private information of law-abiding persons going about their daily lives. Because of the large amount of personal data obtained, great caution should be exercised while deciding whether or not to employ this technique. Many workplace surveillance cameras do not capture audio because it would violate privacy regulations.

Significant factors to consider while deploying video surveillance

  • Consider whether a less intrusive alternative to video surveillance would fulfil your requirements.

  • Determine the business purpose for undertaking video surveillance and only utilize it for that purpose.

  • Create a policy for using video surveillance.

  • As much as possible, restrict the use and viewable range of cameras.

  • Notify the public that video monitoring is being carried out.

  • Any recorded photos should be stored in a secure location with limited access and removed once they are no longer needed for business reasons.

  • Prepare to handle queries from the general public. Individuals have the right to know who monitors them, why and what information is being collected, and what is done with the photos captured.

  • Individuals should have access to personal information. It includes photos from videos.

  • Train camera technicians on the need to respect people's privacy.

  • Evaluate the requirement for video surveillance regularly.

Where Can I Point My Security Cameras Under the Law?

Because there are laws regarding the placement of home security cameras that can result in penalties. You might think you can point your security cameras anyplace because they are outside and clearly visible. Anywhere would be your neighbour's house in this situation. You can avoid spying on your neighbours with a security camera unless you place the camera in a prominent location near your driveway or garage. Outside, there is no expectation of privacy, so if these cameras capture your neighbour's front door or lawn, you won't be charged. Unfortunately, You can't point your security cameras at your neighbour's house because of privacy issues.

Are hidden Surveillance Cameras Legal?

Hidden surveillance cameras are legal as long as they follow the privacy laws. Concerning the legality of video surveillance, the legislation explicitly states that organizations and private persons engaged in operational-search operations may utilize covert video surveillance in their work equipment. The legality of using video surveillance in a case is confirmed based on the above. According to the Constitution, a citizen has the right to personal privacy. While it is legal to gather information about an individual, it is illegal to distribute or use that information without his consent.

Pros of Security Cameras

Preventing Crime: Security cameras help reduce trespassing and burglary while avoiding property damage. Security camera systems have undoubtedly aided in preventing illegal activity such as property crime. According to research, Outdoor security cameras cut the risk of property crime in half.

Collect evidence: When you need to watch people's behaviour and remarks, or during an event, having cameras set in strategic locations come in helpful. Modern security cameras have high-quality video capabilities, and also they have audio capabilities. Thanks to the excellent photos and faultless sound, they are more efficient than ever at recording a succession of events.

Supervise Scenarios and Actions: When you're away from home or work, you might be concerned that something terrible will happen. Particularly for parents, concerns about the state of your household or how your children are getting along with the babysitter may be weighing heavily on your mind. Surveillance inside security cameras can provide peace of mind when you are away from home by allowing you to check in as often as necessary. Similarly, those with security cameras can frequently check in on everyday business activities.


With the increasing trend of homeowners trying to enhance their security by installing security camera systems, and new technology making security cameras easier to obtain and install for the normal home, some residents are concerned about where the cameras are directed. There are no regulations prohibiting homeowners from installing security cameras in their homes and on their property.