Productive Packaging Solutions from Nichrome

Author: Nichrome Packaging Machine Bangladesh

Nichrome is a renowned packaging machine manufacturer and is one of the most valuable packaging machinery brands in India and abroad. Nichrome’s Automatic packaging machines are the most sought after products in the industry with its growing technical expertise and global presence for more than 4 decades. Nichrome expects a 20 per cent growth in revenue in the next five years on the back of a growing product range and customers both in domestic as well as export markets.

"We are planning to strengthen our presence in Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, the US and neighbouring counties. Even as we are present in these countries we are planning to increase our export reach," Nichrome India Head, Mumbai Operations, Nikhil Pradhan said.

Nichrome is also focusing on growing its operations in Bangladesh, with ambitious targets for the country’s packaging industry.


Enterprises of all sizes face a number of challenges when it comes to packaging their products. Whether it be an edible oil manufacturer shifting from bulk packs to smaller retail packs, an SME launching a local snack brand or an FMCG company looking to introduce different SKUs for the rural market. It could even be a rural dairy farm that wants to market its products independently in nearby towns or a company with ambitious growth plans that is looking to enhance capacity with automatic packaging machine technology.

There are some common challenges that are to be overcome by the product packaging. These are:

  • Product Protection

    The goal and foremost function of packaging is to protect the goods inside. You need to use packaging that effectively protects the product from damage and contamination. The type of packaging depends on the nature and composition of the product.

  • Distribution

    With the immense growth in markets and e-commerce activities, products now have to go beyond warehouses direct to the consumer’s homes. For this reason, packaging needs to be able to endure the movement and the journey. And it should do so in the most economical way. The use of lightweight materials can substantially reduce logistics costs.

  • Freshness

    The freshness of the product is vital, especially in the food industry. Packaging needs to be able to keep the products at their best until purchase and consumption.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainable packaging is that which uses fewer raw materials, produces less waste and encourages recycling and is considered the way of the future. Companies today tend to be more aware of the effects of their packaging on the environment.

  • Market Impression

    The impression a consumer gets from the packaging design greatly influences their purchase of the product. Therefore, the packaging needs to be appealing, provide convenience, ergonomics and pertinent information.

  • Rising Costs

    Controlling and reducing costs is crucial for any business. Reducing the amount of material used and hence the weight of the packaging, or using recycled materials can help bring down costs.


When it comes to purchasing an automated packaging machine, each and every enterprise and application has its own performance criteria and challenges. The major considerations include:

  • -Targeted capacity
  • -Speed
  • -Pouch format and material
  • -Product specifications
  • -GMP and other standards
  • -Floor space
  • -Trained manpower
  • -Integration with existing systems
  • -Service, maintenance and spares

These considerations are important while evaluating the suitability of the machine and the machine manufacturer.

Nichrome is India’s leading packaging machine manufacturer and provider of integrated packaging solutions for a diverse range of applications across Food, Pharma and other industries. Nichrome has more than four decades of industry experience and proven expertise, and offers a product range that delivers the most relevant and cost-effective automated packaging solution.

Whether your requirement is Liquid packaging, solid packaging, viscous packaging; food, non-food or pharmaceutical products; whether you are on the lookout for a Tea packaging machine, Sachet filling machine, Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines, Liquid packaging machines, Spice packaging machine, Coffee packaging machine, Snack packaging machine, Sugar packaging machine

  • whatever your need, talk to Nichrome.

Nichrome believes in proactively partnering with customers to derive the optimum solution. With its considerable expertise, technology, R&D and manufacturing capabilities, Nichrome even provides customised solutions to deliver the ideal integrated packaging solution.

Nichrome also provides training for customer staff and assures prompt service and maintenance support. You can easily and certainly overcome your packaging challenges with Nichrome as your packaging partner.