9 Essential things top dietitians want you to remember for a weight loss regimen

Author: Oscar Leo

It is wise to seek advice from an experienced dietitian when you want to lose weight. The process becomes easy for you. You do not feel the pressure. There are some things that an expert dietitian wants you to keep in mind. The short blog here discusses some of those things.

Weight loss is a disciplined journey.

You can’t lose weight overnight. It is a journey. When you consult a trusted Dietitian UK of Dietitian Fit, he will guide you in the journey in the most scientific way.

Sugars do not fall under a single category.

A good, experienced, and reliable Dietitian UK will always tell us to treat different sugars differently. Yes, they are not the same. For example, the sugars your body receives from fresh fruits are natural. On the other hand, sugars from typical milk chocolates are artificial.

Gluten-free food isn’t necessarily healthy.

There is a misconception that a food item containing no gluten is healthy. It is not true always. As research cites, food items that claim to be free of gluten have more calories in many cases. Also, they have higher sugar content.

There is no straight equation defining a ‘bad food.’

Keep it simple while following a diet to lose weight. One of the things to focus on is there is no particular ‘bad food’. Such labelling is incorrect. You must focus on eating whole foods to stay fit and lost weight.

You can’t beat a bad diet with rigorous exercising

Many people seem to neglect the negative impact of a bad diet. They think they can easily tackle the consequences of a bad diet with regular, heavy exercise. But, in reality, it doesn’t happen. The exercises remain ineffective in the long term.

Carbohydrate addiction is a myth.

There is no concept of carbohydrate addiction from a scientific perspective. So, if someone tells you that you can lose weight only when you get rid of such an addiction, bypass the suggestion. An expert diet has the insights to guide you in such cases properly.

Wine is healthy, but only in moderation.

There are enthusiastic folks who begin to drink wine regularly to lose weight. But, the reality is that wine is effective only when taken in moderation. Drinking half a bottle is a foolish thing to do. Follow the instructions of your dietitian.

You have a unique body.

Note it repeatedly – you have a unique body – it is not like any other human body. So, you require a more personalised plan to lose weight. A weight-loss diet can’t be the same for two different people. Talk to a dietitian about chalking out a result-oriented plan.

Stay positive

You need to stay positive and in good spirits when you are eager to lose weight. It is not only about following a diet and exercising but also about enjoying your food. Do not hesitate to share your experience with the dietitian. There can be some scope of adjustments after a few weeks.

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