Why is ISO 45001 being a good idea for organization?
ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety, delivered to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases. ISO 45001 certification was established to mitigate any factors that can cause employees and businesses irreparable harm. Its standards are the result of great effort by a board of health and safety management experts who looked carefully at a number of other approaches to system management with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. In addition, ISO 45001 was designed to take other existing occupational health and safety standards, such as OHSAS 18001, into account as well as the labor standards, conventions and safety guidelines.
An Occupational Health & Safety Management System, often called an OH&SMS, describes the framework in which the organization cares for the occupational health and safety of its employees. It signifies a set of rules, policies, procedures, plans and practices for preventing occupational health and safety hazards and reduces risks in the workplace. OH&SMS is unique for every organization and it must be acceptable to the legal requirements, occupational health and safety hazards and business processes applied in the organization. ISO 45001 represents the best practices in establishing, executing and maintaining the OH&SMS. Its requirements and guidelines help an organization to establish effective OH&SMS and to avoid missing important elements along this way.
There is no doubt that execution of ISO 45001 brings advantages to the organization. As mentioned before, the number of organizations, both large and small, that have already applied OHSAS 18001 is already large and still growing. ISO 45001 brings all the advantages of OHSAS 18001, with addition of some new ones. Here are just a few of these benefits:
Improve image and credibility: By assuring consumers that have a commitment to establish and maintain an occupational health and safety management system, organization can improve image and market share by decreasing the number of OH&S incidents on the workplace and distribution a clear message that organization takes care of its employees.
Improve cost control: One improvement that all organizations are looking for is a decrease of costs. The OH&SMS can help with this by increase rating at insurance companies, while reducing occupational health and safety incidents that may lead to lawsuits and deterioration of the organization’s image.
Use evidence-based decision making: By confirming that organization are using precise data to make decisions on what to improve, organization can greatly increase the chances that improvements will be successful the first time, rather than having several unsuccessful attempts. By using this data to track progress, organization can accurate these improvement initiatives before they go "off the rails," which can save costs and time.
Create a culture of constant improvement: With constant improvement, organization can work toward better processes and reduced occupational health and safety hazards in an organized way, in order to improve public image and possibly reduce costs. When a culture of improvement is created, people are always look for ways to make their processes improved, which makes maintaining the OH&SMS easier.
Engage people: Given a choice between working for a company that shows care and concern for occupational health and safety and one that does not, most people would prefer the first one. By engaging employees to decrease occupational health and safety hazards, organization can rise theirs focus and retention.
To implement ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system, any organization can appoint a management personnel or manager, who has taken certified ISO 45001 lead implementer training and having knowledge of ISO 45001 based OHS awareness, its requirements, as well as documented information, steps for system implementation and certification, etc. Such personnel serve an organization with effective implementation of OHS system and continuous improvement to achieve maximum benefits from implemented system.