Is the iPad the perfect addition to your sales force?
The iPad, an inseparable companion for many sales representatives, has become their most important tool. It enables them to get so much done without hassle with anything. The topic might be about a sale over the internet, meeting at a café, going shopping at a store, or having an interview. A tablet can allow companies to access any marketing collateral they want to present to their prospects and customers. This allows them to create leads, obtain feedback, enter data, and other capabilities that cannot be acquired through any other device. This guide helps sales reps learn about the many uses of an iPad they never thought of.
Out in the Field
Marketing sales reps in the field use the iPad enabled with Data Sim to display a large amount of content to their customers in stores, kiosks, shopping malls, and public gatherings. iPad can help field marketers exhibit a few products, complementing them with appropriate digital marketing collateral such as images, catalogues, case studies, brochures, etc. Then sales representatives will not have to carry all the products around themselves; instead, they can showcase the essential products and explain the rest using the iPad.
Ad Generation
The iPad can be a beneficial tool for gathering information about leads and what types of content you can use to nurture them throughout the buyer journey. Using the iPad's forms and lead capturing tools effectively gets to know your leads and nurture them. Booking appointments and meeting with leaders are essential to gaining confidence in using the product. CRMs and other related software, such as marketing automation applications, Outlook, and other software, can be used by sales reps to keep track of their leads.
Customer Training
The use of some business-to-business products can be a little complex. Customers will need assistance from sales representatives before using the product themselves. Salespeople can use the iPad enabled with Data Sim to demonstrate product tours or videos to customers.
Showcasing Personalized Content
The iPad has become a powerful tool that sales reps can use to display their content to their customers, prospects, and leads. It is essential to keep in mind that each prospect is different and unique and that it is crucial to communicate effectively with them. Personalized microsites allow sales reps to showcase different types of content and branding and the imagery you choose using your branding.
View Analytics
The sales representatives can view the engagement analytics of the content they create on tablets in real-time. Sales representatives are equipped with this context to reach out to leads at the right time, with the right pitch, to take the sales conversation to a quick close.
Take Orders at Point-of-Sale
An iPad can take orders from customers at the point of sale and synchronize them with CRM systems to manage inventory, orders, and deliveries. A point-of-sale order enhanced with the customer's order and support history is vital to the customer's satisfaction.
Having a Two-Way Communication
Using mobile phones and tablets enabled with Data Sim as feedback devices is a great way to establish two-way communication between sellers and customers. Using an iPad to display at a customer service kiosk can greatly assist sales teams in collecting feedback and customer reviews about your products and services. The information gathered through surveys can be later incorporated into marketing automation tools and customer relationship management systems to help design the roadmap for future product releases.