C_THR12_65 SAP Certification - Exam Passing Guarantee Tips
In pursuing of dreams to become one of the most respected and outstanding professional in the IT industry a professional must hold a certain certification that can be a proof of one’s expertise and knowledge, and to possess the credential a professional must undergo and pass the certification exam.
There are numerous of premium certificates that are offered today, you just have to choose which title that fits you, and one of the certificates is the SAP Certified Application Associate- Human Capital Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 and to possess the credential a professional must undergo the C_THR12_65 exam, this certification it is suited to a professional who has skills and basic knowledge on the SAP Human Capital Management.
This certification will validate the knowledge and skills of a candidate in SAP Human Capital management.
About the C_THR12_65 Exam
- There are 80 numbers of questions
- The allotted time for the exam is 3 hours only
- The required percentage of passing is 57% only
- The languages that are available for the exam are German, English, Spanish, French, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese
Topics for the C_THR12_65 Exam
The following are the topics included in the exam with a corresponding percentage:
- ERP and NetWeaver Basics -
- Organizational Management – 8% to 12%
- HCM Reporting -> 12%
- SAP HCM Process Overview -> 12%
- Configuration of Time Recording -> 12%
- Payroll ->12%
- Configuration of Master Data -
Preparation for the Exam
To possess an excellent certificate a professional must undergo a certification exam and pass it, and to win a certification exam it is important to a candidate to prepare, and a good preparation can be done by studying and reviewing the topics included in the C_THR12_65, SAP Certified Application Associate - Human Capital Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 Exam, and to help you in your studies you need to acquire some study materials such as books, pdf, and brain dumps, such materials can be acquired from a different sources and can be a purchased via online.
Taking practice test is also recommended because this can exercise your mind in answering the questions that might appear on the actual examination and can also benefit you because it can set your mind on the actual examination.
Attending seminars and trainings related to the topic are also one way in preparation for the exam, because it can give you additional knowledge on the topics and gives you some information about the examination.
The knowledge and skills that you have acquired from your hands on experience can also contribute you a lot. These methods in preparation can definitely help you a lot in possessing the credential that can bring you on top in the IT industry.
Get your future secure by passing C_Thr12_65 Practice Test and C_Thr12_66 Training Material with CertifyGuide latest preparation material.