Best Healthy Holistic Diet Habits You Can Start Today

Author: Maria Jonathan

If you want to reverse chronic inflammation and mend chronic disease states, a holistic approach to diet (your food choices) is essential. A holistic diet is a natural approach to developing client-specific diets that help the body recover from sickness and establish a long-term stable basis for mental and physical well-being.

Here are five healthy holistic diet habits which will be fruitful for you:

If you want to reverse chronic inflammation and mend chronic disease states, a holistic approach to diet (your food choices) is essential. A holistic diet is a natural approach to developing client-specific diets that help the body recover from sickness and establish a long-term stable basis for mental and physical well-being.

Here are 5 healthy holistic diet habits which will be fruitful for you:1. Avoid fast food

If you eat fast food, your brain is likely addicted to trans fats, salt, gluten, and sugar, all of which cause neurological inflammation and change brain chemistry. Remember that you will experience withdrawal and feel worse before you feel better. If you must dine out, consider the healthier options.

2. Take enough water

Chronic fatigue, headaches, toxicity, digestive issues, early ageing, toxic load, and increased body and brain inflammation are all symptoms of dehydration. Many of these symptoms progress to serious health concerns. Water consumption is an unavoidable part of a healthy diet.

3. Stop consuming soda

If you consume soda, you need to stop NOW and FOREVER! A holistic diet prohibits any form of soda. Find an alternative to quench your thirst. Freshly squeezed lemonade sweetened with Stevia or natural iced tea, mineral water or coconut water, or even fruit and herbal infused waters made at home are good options.

If you're a soda addict, this could be a real challenge. Sugar intake (natural or not) is a primary cause of degenerative sickness, weight problems, brain degeneration, and type 2 diabetes. The 'healthier' drinks prepared with natural cane sugar are high in sugar. Sugar-free or diet drinks are no better because some include cancer-causing artificial sweeteners.

4. Read food ingredients before purchasing food items

Remove any artificial preservatives, flavours, colours, also hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup (HFCS), and trans fats from your diet. Stop consuming packaged foods and start learning to consume organic, fresh, complete foods instead. It will cleanse the body by removing the harmful chemicals in processedfood diets.

5. Start eating clean/organic protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits.

Whenever possible, buy from local farmers' markets first. Support your local organic farmers, and learn to eat according to the seasons in your area.

The less distance your food goes before being on your plate, the more nutrients it will yield while leaving a lesser carbon footprint on the environment. Plus, compared to your chain grocer, you'd be surprised at how much more flavour naturally grown pesticide-free vegetables have at farmer markets.

Bonus: Adopt a new lifestyle

Make time to be alone. It's critical to set aside time to reflect on the day and your thoughts. Start by keeping a gratitude diary so you can get into the practice of writing down your aspirations, goals, victories, and ideas for yourself to reflect on. Writing also teaches you to become aware of your thoughts and assists you in processing your feelings. If you suppress it, it can lead to illness in the body.

Adopt Gillian McKeith's food list for healthier food habits. It will enhance your health journey.