NDIS Support Coordination in Perth,WA | NDIS registered provider in Perth,WA

Author: Aastha Service

NDIS Support Coordination is a capacity building support that helps differently-abled individuals to successfully implement their NDIS plan and manage their funded supports. Though it may look like a case management support at first glance, Support Coordination is not intended to fulfil that role. Support coordination aims to build the capacity of the participants to coordinate the supports available in their NDIS plan and thereby increase their confidence in themselves and improve their skills to navigate the NDIS on their own.

Your first meeting with the support coordinator is very important as there are several important things to be kept in mind. At first, the support coordinator will explain their role in detail and then walk you through the various funded supports available, explain how to make service bookings, how to manage your NDIS funds, how to navigate through the NDIS websites and various other details necessary for you to understand your plan and to find out the best ways to put it into practice. For the meeting to be successful, it is important that you ask questions and share your goals and expectations. You can ask questions regarding your support coordinator’s plan for helping you reach your goals as well as their past work with other clients. When a support coordinator recommends a service provider, you have the right to ask questions regarding the reason behind that suggestion before making a decision. The first meeting will also tell you whether your support coordinator is compatible with you or not depending on how well they understood and responded to your queries.

Over time, the participants who avail of support coordination will become independent enough to manage and coordinate various funded supports on their own. But till then, registered NDIS service providers like Aastha can connect participants with competent and empathetic support coordinators who are well acquainted with all the intricacies of the NDIS and its various supports. They will ensure that you are getting the best outcomes out of your NDIS plan.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a public-funded disability support system that finances ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports required by differently- abled Australian citizens with permanent and significant disabilities. This revolutionary scheme has reshaped the disability support structure in the country and increased accessibility as well as the personal autonomy of the participants. Naturally, the success of the scheme has invited a lot of questions regarding the access procedure and there are a few important aspects to be kept in mind while applying to access the NDIS.

The access request can be made through the phone or by downloading the request form given on the NDIS website. Apart from providing details of your diagnosis by your treating professional as evidence of your impairment, you also have to fill out the specifics regarding your six functional domains that are mobility, communication, social interaction, self-management, learning and self-care. You only need to fill out the domains that are significantly impacted by your disability clearly and accurately. You must focus on describing how your disability impacted your functional capacity and day to day life rather than the medical conditions which lead to that particular impairment. Avoid medical jargon and complete your form using simple English. Sometimes, the NDIS will request you to provide further information despite filling out the access request form. To avoid this, make sure that you complete the ‘Treating Professional’ section of the form properly with enough evidence to substantiate that your impairment is permanent and the ways in which it has hindered your education and socio-economic participation. Make sure that the evidence and other details are provided by eligible professionals.

Completing the access request form may seem like a daunting task but all the information that you need is available on the NDIS website. Registered service providers like Aastha can also guide you through the process. We are available in Perth, Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Morley,Osborne park, Victoria park, Canningvale,Maddington, Armadale, Cockburn central, Kwinana, Rockingham, Mandurah, WA. Contact us today For More details about NDIS Service