Your Guide to Effective Event Branding

Author: Kaylee Johnson

Do you know what is that one factor that makes big brands so big? There might be other brands that are providing the same services and deal in the same products, or even better. Then, what’s the factor that helps some brands outshine while others get lost with the time? It’s the marketing and promotional techniques they use to promote their products and services in the market.

It all depends on how you promote your products in the market. Also, not only products, even if you are planning to host a virtual event, you need to ensure that maximum people get to know about the event.

No matter what kind of strategies you are planning, the speakers or celebrities you are inviting to the event, or the expert virtual event hosting platform you are choosing; unless you don't have a certain number of people to witness these things, nothing will make sense. Hence, it is very important that you make enough effort to promote your event and brand.

But, what are those ways? Is there any specific guide or strategies that one can use for marketing and promotions? Yes, there are.

In this blog, we will share with you some of the best and sought-after ways that you can use to promote and market your ways.

  1. Find the Why of Your Event:

The first thing you need to have is a specific reason or ‘Why’ for your virtual event. You need to be very clear about the reason you are hosting the virtual event. Experts suggest that the reason audiences purchase your service is not because of what you are providing them; it is because of why you are providing them that. Hence, you should be able to answer why your audience should care about your event. Your audience is directly related to the reason you are planning to host your event and ultimately your event’s branding and promotion.

  1. Define Your Virtual Event’s Value:

After defining the reason behind hosting your event, it is important to define the value of your virtual event. Along with it, you need to specify the values that your event will deliver and the key takeaways you want your attendees to take from the event. Also, be clear about the benefits that your attendees will get from the event. You need to analyze that according to your event objectives and the experience you want to deliver to the audience. This step will help you be clear about the steps and strategies you should follow to deliver those values to your attendees.

  1. Set Up Your Event as a Brand:

Now that you have all things clear, it’s time you should focus on establishing your virtual event as a brand. It will help you give your event a form and a structure and simply infuse life to it. There are a few factors that will help you with the same, and you should have a few components for the same. Some components or elements are:

  • The Name of Your Virtual Event:

Though you might have decided on the format of your event and would like to call it the same, we suggest that you should have a proper name for the event. Even if it is a virtual year-end meeting of your organization, you should focus on naming it. The name will give an identity to your event, and this is exactly how your audience will identify it. Ask for suggestions from your teammates, and go with the option that goes well with your event's theme.

  • The Logo of Your Virtual Event:

Now, you would think why it is important to select a logo for the event as we have already decided on the name of the event. But, let us tell you something, your logo will also be the identity of your event. Since your logo will be a part of all your marketing and promotional content, the attendees will come across it time and again. And it will help you create a connection between your virtual event and the attendees.

  • Slogans and Other Visual Components:

Always have a slogan for your event that carries the entire message of your virtual event and the brand. Also, while framing the slogan, make sure you keep it short and simple yet catchy. Apart from it, always decide the tone and theme of your virtual event. Make sure all the visual components of your virtual event go well with your brand’s theme and objective.

  1. Time to Apply the Strategies:

Now that you have prepared all the components, and strategized your virtual event, it’s time we should think of some of the ways and media that can be used to apply all those strategies to life. Here, we have compiled a list of some of the most popular and sought-after ways to promote your virtual event:

  • Event Website:

The first and most important thing you need to do while you start planning your virtual event is to create an event landing or website page. It would be one of those authentic sources that the audience will use to know more about your event.

  • Customizable Self-Managed Online Event Platform:

While you look for a suitable virtual venue for your upcoming event, make sure you pick a