The Main Causes of Your Dissertation’s Failure

Author: Abdul Basit

1. Insufficient Research Ideas:

Many students focus on their course assignments and do not focus on the most discomfiting phase of the degree which is dissertation. They just pass courses with good grades and forget about dissertation. / They simply pass their classes with good grades and ignore the dissertation. Many students drop out of the degree because it is an immensely challenging task. Degree Courses of the highest level requiers alot of hardwork and non-dividing focus which most students lack and it results in a failure.

2. Non-Cooperative Supervisors:

If you are lucky, you might get a supervisor who is genuinely concerned for the dissertation progress. Many students find the research work difficult because of their non-cooperative supervisors. Biasness can sometimes get the better of superviors due to which students suffer. Non-Cooperation troubles the student.

3. Careless Mistakes and Confusing Sentences:

"Prevention is always better then cure." Discrepencies in the dissertation can cause a serious dilemma for the grades of the student. Try saving your effors by giving a comfirting read to your document and examining it under a spell checking software. Terrible spelling mistakes, Incorrect data are a huge red flag for both the student and the teacher. Irrationality is one of the usual mistakes a student make while documenting dissertation. That being said, most of the times countless ideas get mixed up in our minds which causes writing meaningless, random sentences in a paragraph. This will stop your dissertation from understanding a logical and impressive development of the concepts between the sentences and the teacher will not value a dissertation which makes no sense.

4. Data dissimilarity and its elaboration:

It is extremely important to be cautious while writing and elaborating on a set of data in your dissertation. This is not a common blunder but an indefensible one. Teachers frequently present two different data sets on the same subject on the same paper. If the data in charts or graphs are not same; such kind of act can cause a major problem for the student. It has been seen that teachers get annoyed when they see mismatched data and they often question the seriousness of the student towards dissertation.

5. Ambigously presented Methodology:

Every stage in the progress of writing a dissertation paper is critical. Students believe that result is the only thing which matters but in reality it is quite the opposite. Not only results but teachers also believe in the methods which are used in the making of making dissertation. Teachers get badly effected when they don't see a clear method. You are at a great risk if you cannot elaborate about the obtained results.

5. Unexplained terminology:

Students think that it is good to use confused vocabulary and terminologies in their dissertation. They think that the experts know about each and everything but it is quite the opposite. Teachers look for something that is easy to understand.