Mobile Usability Reports added to Google Webmaster Tools
The usability of mobile phones has been growing at a fantastic rate. Yet, there are still a great number of mobile-related issues that hinder common usability issues for your mobile site. In order to facilitate this a new feature has been developed on Google Webmaster Tools for mobile usability reports to improve the overall mobile experience for your users. With the increasing number of mobile users it is important to develop a quality mobile site.
As mentioned above, that application endeavors to inform you of the mobile usability issues that are identified by Google regarding the website you are attempting to view. The ideal mobile-friendly website is one that can be easily read and used on a mobile device. As a mobile user, you would seek easy-to-read features on your smartphone so as to enjoy various crucial usability benefits such as reading clear content as you scroll vertically, easy user interface elements, enhanced swiping function as you search content as well as optimal zoom function as you focus on certain content.
Web content can become difficult to read on your mobile because of a medley of issues such as intrusive ads that block content, longer page loading times and images that cover the screen. In such instances, you are confronted with usability issues that need to be identified and addressed immediately.
Examples issues that are shown in a graph format in the Mobile Usability Report include hard to be read issues of flash content and tiny fonts that are likely to arise, missing viewpoint that becomes a critical meta tag for mobile pages, viewports of fixed width and or contents that are not sized to viewport as well as closely placed clickable link/ buttons.
The Future
Though there has been overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding the new application, more functionality should be expected in the future to enhance mobile web viewing. Nevertheless, this Google tool is a versatile source of information to enhance your mobile experience.
In case you believe this to be a hint of a ranking signal, you have all the more reason to get started immediately. As recommended by Google, you should start thinking about resolving any identified issues. Even if you have no errors, it’s a great tool to learn how your mobile website has performed over time. This can be as simple as simply adjusting your template. For further information in this regard, consult the Google Web Fundamentals page.