Types of Mulching Films used in Agriculture Industry

Author: Palvi Masterbatches

Agriculture employs a variety of methods to enhance crop quality and increase output of fruits and vegetables during months when they are not normally available. Plastic mulch is one of the alternatives we'll examine in this post, along with some of the most commonly utilised mulch varieties and the benefits that come with the use of Masterbatches for Modern Agriculture Industry in Abu Dhabi.

Soil bio-structure and crop conditions are both improved by mulching and also it can be used improve the growing condition of the plant.

Naturally occurring mulches like straw and moss have been utilised in fields since the beginning of agriculture because they reduce water loss, protect crops from eroding groundwater, and control the weeds that compete for soil nutrients.

Mulching has undergone a transformation as a result of technological advancements and the increased size of modern farms, and the plastic films employed now are specifically designed to operate as "vegetable coverings" for perennial plants. Different varieties of mulching can be differentiated based on their qualities or specific applications by varying their additives, density, and colour of the polyethylene film. Palvi Masterbatches is an excellent manufacturer and supplier of Masterbatches for Silage bags in Abu Dhabi.

Types of mulching Films for Agriculture: 1. Plastic films:

Plastic films are more widely used as mulch. They help in maintaining higher water content in soil resulting from reduced evaporation, induced infiltration, reduced transpiration from weeds or a combination of all these factors. They are relatively expensive and difficult to manage under large scale field conditions for low-value crops. (Polythene, polyvinyl).

2. Petroleum products:

Chemicals like petroleum and asphalt sprays, resins and the like are more readily usable and less expensive alternatives to plastic films.

3. Crop residues or stubble mulch:

Plant waste materials such as crop residues and weeds are commonly utilised to make mulch. In addition to being inexpensive, these materials are frequently available and convenient. When kept at a proper level, they allow water to freely penetrate the soil. Water content and evaporation are both improved by using these materials. Using mulch at 5 tonnes per acre in arid farming settings has been determined to be the most successful method. To get the most out of the mulch, it should be applied as soon as the crops have emerged. Other crop procedures, such as interculturing, are not physically possible when these mulches are applied, saving on cultivation costs.

4. Vertical mulch:

The runoff in the dry farming areas is heavy because of the high intensity of rain and the somewhat sluggish penetration rate. The water that would otherwise be lost due to runoff could be captured and kept within the profile. In order to maximise water absorption, a vertical mulch technique involves digging trenches over the slope. As time goes on, the trenches will become clogged with silt. Straw stubs or stalks can be used as a filter to prevent this, but it isn't always necessary. When it comes to high-quality Masterbatches for Agriculture Industry in Abu Dhabi, Palvi Masterbatches is the best pick for you.

Three to four years of service should be expected from the filter. At regular intervals, these low-density trenches aid to increase the rate of water intake. Thus, water seeps into a trench and permeates its way through the soil. The width of the trench should be regulated so that the smallest amount of land is left uncultivated at all times. It's possible to fit trenches between rows of crops, so there's practically no wasted space. For this suggestion, the appropriate width is 20 cm. The depth of a trench in black clay soil should be up to the merum level, and the distance between two trenches should be no more than 4 metres.

5. Soil or Dust mulch:

This mulching effect is achieved by loosening the soil's surface. Soil mulch, or dust mulch, refers to the soil's surface that is loosely compacted and covered with fine particles. Interculturing helps Vertisols close deep gaps by creating soil mulch.