What is Nifty50 and Sensex? How to earn money online..

Author: Bhushan Mundhe

Stock market or Share market or equity market this is the first thing which comes to our mind when we think of making huge money online with comfort of our own and quick.

Everywhere and every step of your life you have seen trading. Person who masters it becomes rich in no time, so why can’t we be that person. Worry not!! its easy in 2022 to master this thing. Stock market works through networks of exchange, so you can start with 10 Indian rupee and make it 10 core.

NIFTY 50 is a benchmark Indian stock market index which represents the weighted average of 50 of the largest Indian companies listed on the National Stock Exchange.

The BSE SENSEX is a free float market weighted stock market index of 30 established companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

How to start investing?

Many of us have heard rumors, suggestion and what not. To start with stock market it’s easy, anyone can do it but surviving and making profit out of it is real game where most of the people fails.

To start with stock market you must have proper knowledge otherwise you will belong to those people who say "Its waste of money". Be a person who would say "Its infinite source of money".

Here are steps how to start with stock market:

  1. Open a trading account and Demat.
  2. Linked your Bank Account.
  3. Log into your trading account.
  4. Select the share you want to buy or sell.
  5. Select the price point.
  6. Complete the transaction.

Now comes very crucial step which stock to buy or sell. You must know the flow of market.

Market is basically distrusted in two types Bull and bear.

What is Bull and bear in stock market?

Investor are categorized as Bull whereas Bear term is associate with the people who sell the share as they believe market is going down/negative.

You must know the flow and act accordingly. "Best advice in share market is never take advice from other about what to buy/sell, play the game on your own risk and math".

Some tips for beginner in share market:

  1. Start small.
  2. Diversify your portfolio.
  3. Avoid blindly following crowd.
  4. Invest in what you know & understand.
  5. Invest regularly and continuously.
  6. Have discipline and follow your strategy.

Why to start investing in stock?

In today’s world and upcoming future everything is getting digitalized, it means everything is going global and raising the competition. Raise in competition leads to fluctuation in company stocks prices which gives every investor opportunity to earn money. Due to digitalized world you can access your account everywhere and anywhere.

There are many new company which are growing and currently at very low stock price, so it’s never too late to regret. You stand a chance to grow from penny stock.

To know more click here: https://bhushan00900.blogspot.com/2022/05/what-is-nifty50-and-sensex-how-to-earn.html