What is the Cause of Hair Loss?

Author: Root Cause Dermatology

Hair loss affects a massive amount of individuals both male and female, and even though some just giggle it off and are not too worried, others find it very discomforting and women above all can find it very upsetting. And there is not basically one key cause of hair loss, there are diverse factors that affect different individuals, so let’s look into what can be the cause of hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

The causes of hair loss can be several and wide-ranging. One of the foremost things to be aware of is that you lose as regards 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis from your scalp at any rate because if your hair is not in budding phase, at that time it is in resting phase and you drop hair then; but to establish if the hair coming out is more than that you can undertake doing the tug test. This basically entails grabbing 15-20 hairs or so and pulling them steadfastly but little by little and if you find more than six hair coming out at what time doing this, at that moment you are losing your hair.

As mentioned earlier concerning what is the cause of hair loss, you may be losing hair for the time being for the reason that of events going on in your life; for case in point a lot of individuals can lose their hair for the reason that of stress. So have a look there, are you under stress at work or at residence? Another thing to take into account is standard of living; are you getting plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet all the way through fruits or even supplements, seeing as don't forget your hair is a living being and needs these to grow up. Prescription can be a factor too, as can changes in hormones for women..

One of the primary things that can be behind it is way of life. The way we live in the present day mean there are quite a lot of factors that could impinge on us and make us go hairless. For example, the diet we eat is one part: most individuals fight back to eat their suggested 5 a day in fruit and vegetables, and even for those that do for the reason that of the way that foodstuff is grown they do not encompass the nutrients in them that they some time ago had. This is pertinent in view of the fact that vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of hale and hearty cells and for sure your hair comes into that grouping, so one area you may want to take a look at is improving your nourishment

Stress factor

Another area of life that can impinge on your hair is stress. Now if you are under stress at work or at residence, you almost certainly do not realize it but this puts your entire body in a different chemical state for the reason that you are releasing your chemicals, but seeing as it is constant and there is no passage for the chemicals, in that case they stay in your body, and one of the areas they can impinge on is your hair. So have a look at your life and its strains and see this is what is the cause of hair loss.

Regrettably for the vast majority nonetheless, the cause of hair loss is hereditary. For individuals that are in this grouping at one time the only options were either a hair intertwine or transplant, which are both costly and excruciating; in that case there were some medicinal treatments available too. Recently nevertheless there has been a little breakthrough in fighting hair loss all the way through vitamins, herbal supplements, and minerals.