Which is the Best Python Compiler?

Author: Sarah Kahlon

When it comes to churning out the instructions, there are two types of programming languages. These are compiled and interpreted. A compiled programming language comes with a default compiler, but there are other options depending on the popularity of the programming language.

Python is both an interpreted and a compiled programming language. Hence, it comes with both a compiler and an interpreter. However, there are many third-party Python compilers that can make the process easier for developers. But which one is the best? Before concluding that, let’s check out the pros and cons of our pick of the top 9 Python compilers.

9 Best Python Compilers [with Pros and Cons] 1. Nuitka

This Python compiler facilitates the creation of standalone programs. It can be slow and buggy at times though. It is freely available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

2. PyJS

This is the go-to Python compiler when you need to run Python inside a web browser. PyJS is a popular Python compiler that transforms Pythonic code into JS code. However, as it is confined to web development, PyJS can’t be used to create system applications and programs.

3. Transcrypt

Transcrypt, like PyJS, compiles Python code into equivalent JavaScript code that is compact and debugging-friendly. Similar to PyJS, this confines development to web applications and websites only.

4. CPython [Default]

This is the default Python compiler (of the most widely used Python implementation, Cython). It is a C-based compiler that has high performance and portability. It is slow though.

5. PyPy

PyPy is one of the most popular Python compilers. It was developed to be a suitable alternative to CPython. It is a JIT (just-in-time) compiler that claims to be seven times faster than the default Python compiler. It is better than CPython in only some specific cases though.

6. Brython

This Python compiler intends to replace JS with Python as the preferred language for developing web pages. It provides support for only Python 3 and newer versions.

7. IronPython

It targets the.NET framework. IronPython allows developers to use.NET and Python libraries in conjunction. In general cases, IronPython is not suitable.

8. Skulpt

Skulpt is a Python compiler that facilitates running Python inside a web browser. It doesn’t require any additional processing and plugins. It can’t be used beyond web development though.

9. Shed Skin

This Python compiler is performance-oriented. Shed Skin converts a Python program into its equivalent C++ code. It only provides support for a subset of Python library functions.

Which is the Best Python Compiler?

The answer to this question depends on the preferences of a developer. For instance, if you want to use the most compatible Python compiler then you can go with the default option, which is CPython.

If you’re looking to do web development with Python, then you can choose from Brython, Skulpt, PyJS, and Transcrypt. For using.NET libraries along with Python libraries, you can go for IronPython.