A Guideline For Background Check Services

Author: Sun Bd

Know How Important Background Check Nowadays

The importance of background checks is growing as more employers conduct them. It is important to be clear about what you need and why in the midst of a mushrooming of services and information. Once you know the essentials, you can evaluate different options and choose the best background check provider.

Step 1: Determine whether you need a background check

The following are some common types of background checks:

  1. Records of criminal activity

  2. Reports on credit

  3. Records of driving

  4. Credentials or personal information verification

  5. Use of social media

  6. Work experience

It's a good idea to learn everything you can about someone you want to recruit. Consider what facts you truly require to make the hire. Background check laws may differ from one jurisdiction to the next. In particular fields, such as education or public safety, criminal and sex-offender records are always checked. Where the incumbent is expected to hold important or confidential information, felony background checks are advised.

Step 2: Study your options

There are typically two options available for background checks. There are full-service companies and online DIY websites.

  1. Providers of full-service

  2. Websites made by DIY

  3. Several options are available

Step 3: Evaluate various options

Using a simple search engine, you can locate guides on the best background check companies. Nevertheless, choosing one should always be done by evaluating specific criteria according to your specific needs.

Types of Background Checks Offered

Each company's background checks are different. Verifying education and looking into criminal records are two examples. When permitted by legislation, others may add the option of drug testing. It's a good idea to look over the standard and extended packages and choose the one that best suits your demands. Most of the time, a tailored package is preferable. Furthermore, ensure that the provider can obtain information directly from the source rather than conducting a simple online search.

  1. Cost: When it comes to choosing external services, price is always a consideration. How much a background check costs may be determined in part by your willingness to pay money to learn more about a possible hire.

  1. Turnaround time: The time it takes for a check to be completed varies per company. The typical background check should not take more than a couple of days with the best background check provider.

  1. Ease of use: This is primarily applicable to DIY websites. Because you'll be doing the investigation on your own, you'll want to make sure you don't waste any time figuring out how to utilize the website. Making things more difficult will not aid your inquiry.

  1. Additional Factors: In addition to all of the aforementioned criteria, there are some that are unforeseeable.

Step 4: Adhere to all legal requirements

Discrimination in the hiring process is prohibited under the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee. Its requirements can be difficult to follow pre-employment screening is a touchy subject. You shouldn't seek a background check based on a candidate's race, age, or any other protected trait, for example. According to the, this constitutes discrimination, and you risk a costly lawsuit. Furthermore, genetic data should never be included in a background check. Check out the background check regulations in advance. Finally, before you begin the procedure, it's usually a good idea to check the state or county guidelines that govern the use of background screening.

For a starting point in designing your firm policies, look at our Employee Background Check Policy Sample.