Food Safety Management System

Author: Abhishek Bediskar

A food safety management system is represented by ISO 22000: 2018 certification. It is a prevention-based strategy for food safety that identifies and guards against microbiological, chemical, and other risks in the food-based sector.

It is appropriate for all businesses that are involved in any part of the food chain and need to implement systems that consistently deliver safe products, regardless of safety precautions taken concerning food hygiene. The process for fulfilling the requirements of this International Standard can be improved using internal or external resources.

The management framework was focused on providing goods as per their intended use, are safe for consumption for the buyer or end-user. This International Standard ISO 22000:2018 Certification establishes prerequisites to empower an organization to design, carry out, work, and maintain up-to-date food safety and security.

Why is a management system for food safety vital to you?

The global standard certification in the food industry is now Food Safety Management. You must bear the repercussions if your companies decide to disregard it. You can demonstrate your dedication to food safety by earning an ISO 22000 Certification.

You may demonstrate to consumers and other stakeholders that you follow the relevant food safety regulations by acquiring an ISO 22000 Certification. Additionally, you will receive a globally recognized certification that will teach you all the procedures and guidelines required to reduce the hazards associated with food safety. Enhancing your brand's reputation and maybe increasing your business volume, also contributes to promoting accountability and transparency.

Food Safety Management System Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification

Obtaining ISO 22000 Certification has further advantages for you:

  • Boost the revenue
  • Reduce and get rid of food safety risks
  • Always enhance the procedures required to deliver safe meals
  • Cultivated the trust of your clients in your capacity to manage any threats to food safety
  • Make sustainable food safety a priority.
  • Encourage global trade
Why to adopt ISO 22000 Certification?

A rise in certification rates from 2014 to 2015 as a result of awareness among people. One in ten persons becomes ill from pollution or eating contaminated food. Food-borne illnesses are killing more individuals. The cost of treating illnesses brought on by food wastes millions of dollars.

The ISO 22000 standards are important because they ensure the reliability and security of your goods. Today, the majority of the food we eat travels through several steps before it reaches our plate. Therefore, it's crucial to minimize hazards when producing, transporting, and distributing food. It is crucial to make sure that the food we eat is shielded from bacterial attacks. Food safety violations may cause a customer to become seriously ill, tarnish your brand's reputation, result in significant fines, and extreme circumstances, result in the immediate closure or liquidation of your business.

Organizations in the food industry can apply the explicit ISO 22000 principles to get rid of risks associated with food processing or assembly. The benefits of ISO 22000 rules may differ depending on your particular business.

A business is provided with several arrangements and methods to properly audit and investigate safety dangers and risks by a food safety management system, such as ISO 22000. Since ISO 22000 is widely recognized and takes into account the continual development approach of Annex SL, it is the primary certificate for the food industry.

It is advantageous to run ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 concurrently since ISO 22000 assesses methods and techniques for the preparation and handling of food, whilst ISO 9001 assesses quality in the daily operations of the firm. When properly implemented, both can help your business enormously by continuously improving its operations in the areas of food preparation, production, and distribution.