Moorfields Eye Consultant Offers Renowned Services Having Trained And Lectured At Highly Acclaimed O

Author: Mahi Muqit

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been given the authority under the National Health Service Act 2006 to operate as a public benefit corporation. A board of directors, being accountable to the membership council, manages the trust.

Highly acclaimed Eye Clinics, situated in Central London, are offering the services of world famous retina surgeons to perform a variety of surgical procedures, including innovative vitreoretinal and cataract surgery, using state of the art equipment and innovative technology in leading facilities.

General ophthalmologists, ophthalmologist sub-specialists and optometrists usually refer patients in need of vitreoretinal management to a specialist working at leading eye clinics. These specialists qualify as general ophthalmologists and then afterwards specialise in the medical and surgical management of vitreoretinal disorders, performing all of the surgical procedures.

With strong clinical leadership arrangements below board level, and operational divisions individually led by a clinical divisional director, plus service directors for every clinical service, commitment is showntoward delivering good governance and the directors and staff members adhere to exemplary ethical standards.

The divisions and services collaborated with and are supported by corporate directorates, and their portfolios include operations, nursing and allied health professions, strategy and partnerships, finance, human resources, research and development, IT, estates and governance.

The core belief, that people’s sight matter is practiced by their purpose of working together to develop and deliver the best possible eye care to patients, thereby, merging all aspects, across clinical care, research and education and applying it to the NHS and private services, in the UK and globally.

Striving to develop patient-centred care with exceptional clinical outcomes and excellent patient experience, while being at the leading edge of research. Collaboration with industry partners will lead to innovative discoveries, being beneficial to patients. By sharing innovations and knowledge, and investment is made in the experts of the future.

By attracting, retaining and developing quality people, the infrastructure and culture remains healthy. Being supported by a strong and sustainable financial model, it is possible to be innovative and enterprising while ambitions are realized.

Committed to caring means making everyone feel important. Being disciplined saves money and time and affords them the opportunity for excellent service deliveries and patient care.

Eye conditions treated with surgery or laser by eye consultants and renowned ophthalmologist at the eye clinic includes, age-related macular degeneration, cataract surgery, epiretinal membrane, macular hole, macular oedema, diabetic tractional retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, dislocated and subluxated intraocular lens implants, intraocular lens implant exchange surgery, laser treatments (YAG, Retinal, Retinopexy), retinal detachment, retinoschisis, scleral buckling surgery, sickle cell disease related retina, detachment, traumatic eye injuries, vitreomacular traction, vitrectomy surgery, vitreous floaters and vitreous haemorrhage.

Although there are risks attached to any surgical procedure, the success rate is extremely high. Every patient has unique challenges and some retinal detachments are harder to treat than others are. Sometimes patients may need multiple surgeries.The ophthalmologist in a professional will explain the risks, benefits, and sensitive way before consent is requested for surgery.

Choosing a well-trained, experienced cataract surgeon is one of the most important decisions ever to be made by a patient. Lens implant exchange and replacement surgery is performed by leading London specialists with experience and years of training in the finer details of delicate cataract surgery. This life changing operation can restore a patient’s vision, especially after unfortunate complications during lens implants.

When lens implants has become cloudy or even dislocated, highly esteemed specialists or consultants at eye clinics, with extensive expertise in routine and complex cataract surgery, will be able to perform the necessary and correct procedures.Qualified as artisan IOL surgeons, using the latest technology and innovative equipment, and supported by a first rate institutions, helping patients to regain eyesight has become much easier.

About Us

Retina Surgeon UK, is led by the celebrated Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth, a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Surgeon Researcher and UCL Honorary Clinical Lecturer, providing patients in London, the greater London area, international visitors and patients with consultations and surgical services. The private practices are situated Moorfields Private Eye Hospital in Bath Street, London, EC1V 9LF as well as The London Clinic, 119 Harley Street, London, W1G6AU. Mahi Muqit is renowned for using the latest innovative technology, new therapies and innovative retinal surgery during operations and procedures. For a comprehensive list of world-class procedures performed by Mr Muqit under the banner of Retina Surgeon UK, kindly visit