What Does It Take To Resolve A Custody Dispute
What are you willing to do to protect your children? When it comes to deciding custody issues such as parenting time, visitation, or relocation, there is a misconception that it has to be a tooth and nail fight between the parents.
But that is all wrong, any parent that is willing to fight for their kids should be willing to make peace for their kids as well. The question then becomes, "How do you make peace?"
To answer that question, an incredible organization, The Umoh Foundation, has been founded.
So let's dwell in to know more about the idea behind this organization and why it is so important.
Mental Peace And CustodyAs the rise of unmarried couples having children rapidly rises, the amount of custody disputes rise with it. Filing a lawsuit is such a drastic step that has become enshrined in American culture. Not only affecting the lives of the couple but their kids as well.
A custody petition carries a lot of other issues that need to be resolved, including child support, possible school transfers, property-related issues, living arrangements so on and so forth.
When families decide to resolve these issues through the courts, they spend thousands of dollars on court fees, attorney fees, paying for a babysitter, hiring an expert along with having to wait years as courts postpone cases due to backlog.
Those same families could of used mediation which is a friendlier, peaceful, cost-efficient and quick way to resolve the matters.
A mediation session is an excellent way to eliminate the emotional and mental turmoil that couples and their children face during the due course of a custody battle.
That is why this organization, The Umoh Foundation, was started keeping in mind those families who can't afford litigation services.
For them, it provides mediation services where they will get assistance and help from relevant parties to get things done in an easy way.
Through mediation sessions, couples can talk and work out the issues that need to be resolved and make decisions with the help of impartial third-party people.
So we can see how this organization, The Umoh Foundation, is leading the pathway for families in conflict who need help
But this can’t be possible without the efforts of EJ Umoh, the founder of the organization.
He believes that all families should have access to dispute resolution services.
From the onset of his life, he has been like this, an extraordinary human and an extraordinary advocate.
EJ has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Kutztown University where he was a dual sport athlete