What Are the Top 5 Reasons for a Slow Website?

Author: Designpluz Digitalagency

Customer satisfaction is always critical when it comes to business. Almost all companies strive hard to get good traffic to increase their visibility and conversion rate. A website is said to be performing well if it gives a better user experience. Nowadays, people’s patience is shrinking inchmeal, so it is essential to cope with their speed to attract customers to buy a product or service. So any website which loads for more than three seconds is likely to lose potential customers. Most website designers in Sydney do a good job of creating stunning designs, but the design itself shouldn’t be the downfall of a company’s credibility.

1. When Images aren’t Optimised Well:

The first and foremost reason for a slow loading website is the large-sized images. Since a website loads bit by bit in a browser, the images or files should be optimized well because it will consume more time to load than expected. If this is the case, the potential and regular customers will leave the site and never return. So it is advisable to use JPEG, GIF and PNG on a website to increase the site load speed. Avoid using heavy formats, such as BMP and TIFF, because these formats take too much time to load the website resulting in a high bounce rate.

2. Code Density:

Exceedingly dense or complicated code could be one of the reasons for the slow website speed. Instead of using too many dense codes to perform a repeated type of action, use reusable codes to increase the speed of the loading time of a website. It is easy to manage the reduced site load speed with HTML markup. Major improvements can be witnessed by reducing the HTML markup usage. There are a few other fixes, such as removing CDATA(character data) blocks in script elements and HTML comments in scripts. If there is any white space in code, removing or collapsing it can drastically affect the site loading speed.

3. Shared Servers:

If a company is on a shared server, it could create an impact on the site loading speed. Since many users are on a shared server, the site will be in the queue with other users, thus increasing the page load time. This may seem less important to companies because they usually think that a few seconds lag in site loading speed wouldn’t affect their traffic, but the fact is, it does. Instead of sharing the same server, switching to a dedicated server can help solve this issue.

4. Using Too Many Plugins:

A plugin always comes in handy during tight situations but adding too many add-ons or plugins in the backend can slow the site loading speed. In today’s scenario, many developers rely on add-ons and plugins to boost the functionality of a site. A plugin is usually a small piece of software made up of codes. Whenever a developer adds too many plugins, it means that they are adding too many codes, so too many codes on a website will only slow down the site loading speed.

5. Too Much Traffic can Crash A Site:

High traffic rate is always a concern for most companies because this ensures that the business is running in the right direction. Since a server is set to a certain limitation of requests, surpassing those requests can cause the site to crash. When a site receives more traffic than before, the company should consider increasing the bandwidth and improving the site’s infrastructure.

There can be many reasons for a website’s slow loading speed, but figuring it out sooner and improvising will help companies to stay ahead of the competition. If you are looking for website designers in Sydney to design your website, contact Designpluz. With our team of experts, we can deliver a stunning website design that catches the users attention.