EV charging infrastructure
The consumption and production of electric vehicles (EV) are increasing each day, and the EV charging infrastructure has to develop. The climate crisis has and will continue to affect populations worldwide, and we all have to do what we can. Choosing an EV instead of a fuel-driven car is one of many solutions, but we have to make it easier for that change to happen. But first of all, let's talk about the global initiative that underlies the resolution.
Agenda 2030Have you ever heard about Agenda 2030? United Nations General Assembly has set up 17 sustainable development goals, and all 193 member states of the UN are behind the resolution. The 17 global development goals consist of 169 sub-goals, and a few examples of what should be accomplished are:
climate action
responsible consumption and production
sustainable cities and communities
affordable and clean energy.
One of many solutions is for electric vehicles to take over. Sweden, for example, has set the goal to have 2,5 million EVs by 2030, while the United States of America wants car sales to consist of at least 50% EV by the same year. Therefore, it is necessary to have a functional EV charging infrastructure when the goals become a reality.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructureSo, what does electric vehicle charging infrastructure mean? The most common designation is EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), which refers to having a functional EV ecosystem. For example, we have gas stations everywhere, and there is a minimal risk of not finding a place to fuel your car. However, electric vehicles do not have the same infrastructure and as an owner of an EV you will not find a charging station as easily as a gas station. Therefore, the charging infrastructure has to develop at the same pace as the consumption increases.
Challenges for the EV ecosystemSeveral factors need to be considered while planning for the charging infrastructure. For example:
Durability. EVs today have shorter durability than fuel-driven vehicles, and we have to consider how this will affect the EV charging infrastructure. For example, how long does it take for the average EV to get low on battery? How many stations are required on all roads, and with what distance?
Charging time. Refueling a car to a full tank takes approximately three to six minutes, while charging a car fully takes hours. The time differs depending on the power of the electricity, but it can take up to one hour in fast-charging stations. Home-charging usually takes 8-12 hours and is the most cost-effective. Therefore, the electric vehicle charging infrastructure development has to consider factors like this while planning for the future.
Other than developing the electric vehicle charging infrastructure, the rapidly increasing demand forces all manufacturers to keep up with the development, including EV testing. Freezing environments is one of the most extreme conditions to be in for humans as well as EVs. Faster battery depletion and longer charging times are the result from EVs in cold weather, and how the car reacts in different weather conditions is a fundamental fact while planning for the future charging infrastructure.