Everything you need to know about tattoo aftercare

Author: Sarah Kahlon

A tattoo is more than an art; it’s a personal and permanent art that keep making your personality strong. After getting the tattoo you wanted you also need to take care of it so that it lasts long and you don’t get any infection because of it. The tattoo needs aftercare as a needle with ink is inserted beneath the skin. Aftercare prevents all kinds of problems and it makes sure your tattoo doesn’t fade away and keep looking beautiful forever.

Tips To Take Care Of Your Tattoo:

Whether you have already had a tattoo or looking for tattoo professionals, you must choose an artist who can guide you about tattoo aftercare thoroughly. So after getting your tattoo done you need to look after it by yourself. But it becomes really difficult to figure out how to do the aftercare at home.

1. Cover the Tattoo

After the completion of the tattoo, the artist applies a thin layer of antibiotic and a bandage to protect it from all kinds of bacteria getting on your skin. It is also to make sure the tattoo does not touch or disturb your clothes or other areas. Keep the bandage on for as long as you told you to. The covering helps to absorb all the extra ink or any gel.

2. Wash the Tattoo Off

Now after some hours, you can remove the bandage. After removing the covering of your tattoo, wash your hands with a block of soap and then wash your tattoo with the help of warm water and antimicrobial soap and make sure to pat your skin dry with a warm cloth. Then apply any antibacterial or alcoholic-free ointment on the tattoo twice a day, you don’t need to put another bandage on your tattoo just let it breathe. Keep following the same procedure twice a day before applying any kind of ointment to your tattoo. The moisturizer keeps the tattoo clean.

3. Let It Heal

Now for some time let your tattoo heal. The healing depends on the size of your tattoo; big tattoos take more time to heal than smaller ones. Avoid all kinds of sticky clothes that rub against your tattoo, swimming or any kind of water activity and if you are going under the sun make sure you are wearing sun-protective clothes that don’t harm your tattoo, do not cover it with any kind of sunscreen unless it is healed completely. Do not scratch your tattoo and if you feel any kind of symptom or anything, go to a doctor or talk to your tattoo artist.

4. Products to Be Used

Antibiotic ointments, alcohol-free moisturizer or soap, fragrance-free soap, and any specific tattoo cleanser are all good to clean your tattoo area. Don’t use any other product other than what your tattoo artist recommended. In the first few days use the products recommended by your artist. Don’t use any petroleum-based products. Try to use Vaseline on dry skin or before taking a shower as it covers the tattoo from getting wet. After some time you can start using your regular moisturizer.

You can also try coconut oil on your tattoo as it makes the tattoo shine, protects your tattoo and also keeps it moist.

5. Long-Term Aftercare

Once your tattoo gets healed you don’t have to do the aftercare, but from getting your tattoo fade away there are a few things you can do.

Keep your tattoo clean; wash it every day with gentle soap. To keep your skin moisturized, keep yourself hydrated. Don’t let the sun harm your skin so wear sun proof clothes, and avoid all kinds of woolly, scratchy clothes.


You always want your favourite thing to last forever, same goes with a tattoo it’s an art that you want with yourself forever. Tattoo aftercare does not only keep your tattoo shiny and beautiful but it also makes it lasts for a longer period. It gets a little confusing and hard to figure it out all by yourself but once you get the right guide it becomes all easy. Keep listening to your tattoo artist's advice and keep following the right products and procedure.