Glass Recycling - How To Revolutionize Recycling?

Author: Alex Mayers

The most important - environment friendly decision ever made is glass recycling. The process of recycling bottles is a one way of saving the world we live in. If instead of throwing glass away, we can recycle old bottles, without losing strength and quality so they can be reused infinitely. Glass as inorganic material is made from molten silica and is non – biodegradable. Unlike any organic materials it can’t be decomposed by itself, naturally without any assistance of chemical applications. Over time it might change its colour, but the structure remains the same even after millions of years. Consequently, throwing glass away is not recommendable.

There are lots of approaches to our planet and environment if we make an effort and implement the recycling machine. In this manner we are decreasing the amount of waste. Practically, we offer the best options of dealing with waste bottles. Glass is 100% recyclable without loss in quality or purity like no other packaging option ever. The consumer just throws glass into the machine. Consequently, glass bottles are taken from the bin and sorted by colour. The crushed glass is melted and moulded so it can be reused again in bottles, jars or decorative items. After this process the glass is ready to be used again and again.

With bottle recyclers we are saving energy and raw materials like sand, limestone and oil as well. Reprocessing of glass demands less material and energy which can be reallocated to supply even 40 000 households with electrical power for an entire year just by recycling 50 % from the jars, bottles which are usually thrown in bins. We must undertake serious steps to reduce the landfill; it creates all the troubles to the Earth and the living beings. Glass bottles are not just waste, there are resources which can be reused if we depot them to recycling centres for reprocessing. The process of Glass Recycling Melborurne requires certain knowledge and experience when creating new glass products. Bottle recycler machines are easy to use because the mechanism primary has been focused on safety, functionality, noise reduction, size and space reduction. In order to reduce the space requirements and to increase the level of recycling of glass the machine is capable to melt even 80 litre bottles of glass in one minute.

Since restaurants are large consumers of bottles they must find a proper way of recycling and reducing the waste volume of aluminum and glass. When serving beverages throughout the day and night they must find a plan how to reduce the amount of glass as potentially dangerous waste. We are providing services to all restaurants and bars by implementing bottle recyclers. We want to encourage everyone to implement such environmentally positive practice for bottle recyclers and glass waste management.