Tips To Choose The Right Sprinkler

Author: Jamoe England

The centre point of any beautiful and well-organized garden is a sprinkler that is responsible for feeding water to every nook and corner. They are the best help for lawn keepers and caretakers. Picking the right irrigation sprinkler system requires just small research. Watering needs for each plant or crop can differ, and it's one of the essentials in decision-making while buying. Let’s have a look at some major points to note when the requirement for a sprinkler irrigation system arises:

  • Category of Sprinkler: There are 6 categories into which sprinklers are arranged into. The first one is the stationary ones, which are commonly seen in public parks. They will sprinkle in the same pattern and at the same position until someone comes and moves them, and they are suitable for small grounds. The second one is Oscillating, which contains multiple sprinkling options through various holes. It moves side by side while covering the area. The third is rotating impact sprinklers, which have the ability to spin at 360 degrees when the water goes through them. It has one of the farthest water-throwing ranges. The fourth type is Sprinkler hoses, having small piercings that have targeted sprayings, useful for uneven or long areas. The fifth one is Traveling Sprinkler, as the name suggests it moves on the ground while spraying as per the program. They look like mini tractors. The sixth type is In-ground sprinklers, which are automated water throwers, which can be programmed to rise up from the ground when it is required.
  • Area Coverage: One of the basic things we observe in a sprinkler is how far it can throw water in a landscape. Some of the smart type sprinklers today have the ability to judge the pattern and area of spray accordingly, using the level as their adjusting tool. This gives the owner various options to choose from for the sprinkling, like circular, semi-circle, rectangular, triangular, etc. The water pressure will be the determining factor here, as it will define how much area the sprinkler will cover for the selected pattern. If the sprinkler has the capability to shoot water up to 20 meters, but the water pressure is low, its maximum coverage area won’t reach its limit.
  • Material Make: The two most common types of sprinkler ingredients are either plastic or metal. Some other ones include rubber and silicone material. Alongside the price, checking the material quality will be important. Check which one will last longer, and won’t fade out after a few months of use. Metal seems the best choice among others in terms of strength, but give a thorough check on whether the metal lasts with water or not, or whether it has rust proof layer. One of the best examples of good material sprinklers is Brighton which you can get from Brighton Irrigation Service.
  • Save Water: Sprinklers manage to cover a lot of ground with different shapes and take a lot of water if they remain unchecked for a long time. The more the area garden or the field has, the more water it will consume. But it's the duty of the caretaker to see when is the time to stop the water flow in order to conserve water. Few sprinkler types have features in them to control water consumption. Some of them come with an automated system to control the watering, one can manage the watering location, timing and how many litres are to be thrown.