Poland Football World Cup: Demands an explanation of the qualifying play-off against Russia

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Poland Football World Cup: Demands an explanation of the qualifying play-off against Russia

Poland Football World Cup February 23 with weight growing on UEFA to shift the Champions League final away from Saint Petersburg over the Russian attack in Ukraine. Poland has required that FIFA clarify the fate of their Football World Cup playoff against Russia. The Polish will appearance the Russians in the first step of the playoffs on the road to the World Cup in Qatar. But Russia’s military has been neat to enter Ukrainian land in tensions.

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Poland Football World Cup

That could see an all-out war, Poland’s Football Association (PZPN) wants the world alliance to provide proper direction on what will happen to the country’s crucial finalists. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin formally recognized two separatist regions in easterly Ukraine. Driving tensions with the West to an unparalleled level, and raising the menace of war. The move increased pressure on UEFA to move the Champions League final, the centerpiece match of the European club period, away from Russia, and now flashed the PZPN to query the match with Russia on 24 March.

The Polish FA has requested FIFA to urgently clarify the subjects related to the group of the match. Said the PZPN in a report. Given the importance of the match, the Polish Fa wants to safeguard its team can prepare in optimal circumstances. However, being aware of possible threats connected to the current situation, we are waiting for the location of the world federation establishments. The winner of the match will face Sweden or the Czech State for a place in Qatar Football World Cup 2022.

Poland Refused to Play Russia Once. It May Have to Do So Again.

Poland’s stars surrounded FIFA by threatening to boycott a World Cup finalist. Now, as Russia appeals the decision, Robert Lewandowski, Wojciech Szczesny. And their colleagues may have to double down. One by one, late on a Friday twilight, Robert Lewandowski called his Poland colleagues. They were dispersed across Europe, and most of them were busily making for club games that stay. But his question could not wait. To know more about Poland Vs Argentina Tickets click here.

They had all seen the film emerging from Ukraine Russian tanks progressing across the border, Russian artillery bombing cities and towns, Ukrainian refugees’ implosion therapy out of the country, hundreds of thousands of them looking for shelter in Poland. In a matter of weeks, Poland was arranged to face Russia in a vital Football World Cup qualifier. Lewandowski had known directly. Once the invasion of Ukraine had begun. He did not want the willingness in late March to go ahead.

Lewandowski Football World Cup Player

He had already called the leader of the Polish soccer federation and made that clear. Now he was required to know how his teammates felt. Without exclusion, the answer was emphatic. Lewandowski did not, he said in a meeting, have to convince anyone. The chat he had with Wojciech Szczesny, the Juventus custodian who has been one of Lewandowski’s Poland teammates for more than a period, was typical. I just said I’m not live the game, Szczesny said. That was how he felt, too. We all said the same thing.

After final his calls late on that February night, Lewandowski Poland’s head and, by some distance, his country’s most high-profile athlete communicated his conversations to managers at the federation. The players, he said, were common They would not take the field against Russia. It did not have substance. If the game was held on the unbiassed territory or if Russia played it under an unbiassed flag. It did not even matter to them if Poland was thrown out of the Football World Cup as a result. We didn’t think about the penalties or whether we might be chastised, Szczesny said.

We only cared about the outcome.

We were prepared to forfeit the game. We were not going to play. The federation readily acceded to the players’ decision. They told Lewandowski they would relay a message to FIFA, world soccer’s governing body. The next morning to inform the organization of the Polish location. We said that on Saturday we would proclaim there would be no games at all with Russia, Jakub Kwiatkowski. The general boss of the Polish men’s national team told the BBC.

The move appeared to force FIFA’s hand. The group had, for much of the first week of the invasion been studiously quiet. On the subject of whether Russia or any of its club teams would be allowable to continue to play either in World Cup passing or in competitions under the auspices of UEFA, European soccer’s leading body. The Polish authorities had been trying for numerous days to force FIFA to obligate to a position.

They had already sent the leading body two letters one in which. It established that Poland would refuse to play sports in Russia. And one in which Sweden and the Czech State were the two other teams that stand in Poland Football World Cup way of place this winter joined its boycott. There was no reaction, Kwiatkowski said. It took several more days for FIFA to reply at all. And when it did so it did not go far enough, Szczesny said. FIFA’s initial sentence prevented Russia only from playing on home soil. And under its flag.

Szczesny Said

Other than that, it would be free to contest. It didn’t go down very well with the companies, Szczesny said. It was not enough. FIFA’s location changed quickly once the vehemence of the Polish player’s antagonism became clear. We sent them a very clear declaration Kwiatkowski supposed. We will not play Russia at all. Irrespective of the name they play under or where the venue might be. By the next Monday, Feb. 28, FIFA had upturned course completely.

Russia and Russian clubs, it professed, would no longer be able to play in its rivalries or UEFA events. The following ruling would decree that foreign performers on the Russian side would be allowed to break their contracts. And while the season elsewhere. That it was the interference of the players that broke the bureaucratic deadlock was important. Particularly as Russia prepares to contest its generous isolation at the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The secretive, unelected judicial body that serves as a sort of voluntary high court for sporting substances.

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