15 Effective PPC Trends for 2022

Author: Roff Benhaminn

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing will continue to be one of the most effective strategies to expand your company in 2022. However, what was successful for your PPC advertising in the past is generally not going to provide the same effects in the future. Consumers change, but so does the technology that marketers may use. You must remember that search engines and social media sites occasionally make modifications of their own. Visit

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Here are 15 of the most crucial PPC trends to take into account, to help you stay current with the most recent updates. As you'll see, you probably already use a lot of these trends, such as video commercials. They are, however, only anticipated to grow in significance going forward.

  1. Voice Search

The rising usage of voice search is one of the retail trends that is anticipated to have a significant impact in 2022. In fact, according to internet data, the market for smart speakers will reach $4 billion by the end of the year.

These numbers indicate that voice-driven shopping will become commonplace in the upcoming years. Research indicates that local companies will be specifically targeted by voice searches.

You must make a few PPC ads using conversational language and keywords like "open now" if you want to capitalise on this trend. When optimising a text for voice search, you'll find that long-tail keywords will be more crucial to your material because you'll need to utilise more natural language.

  1. Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality is starting to get more and more acceptance. Because of this, eCommerce businesses are beginning to incorporate it in novel ways to enhance the whole purchasing experience. By utilising VR, marketers may allow customers to check out products before making a purchase, whether they are new items for the home or the wardrobe.

Be sure to encourage your audience to try on your offerings from the comfort of their own homes in 2022 in addition to inviting them to visit your online business. You should use this unique selling proposition as a strong call to action in your PPC advertisements.

  1. Visual Search

It would be best to begin with visual search first if you're still attempting to understand virtual reality. Users can search for a question using a picture instead of text on websites like Google and Bing. For instance, a user can upload an existing photograph or take a photo by clicking on Google Lens. The search engine will then look for websites with that image or one that is visually comparable.

This is an easy method for customers to find links to products more quickly. Additionally, significant upgrades to this function are likely to be disclosed in the upcoming years.

It's essential that you build an image library of all your products if you want to take full advantage of this functionality (possibly even services). Then, make sure to include metadata so that search engines can accurately tag your images.

  1. Video Ads

You already understand the power of video if you frequently read the Influencer Marketing Blog. The attention spans of consumers are, however, increasing shorter, so material—even visual content like videos—should be targeted and compelling.

The popularity of Instagram reels has led to an upsurge in short-form video material as well. Although YouTube bumper ads are nothing new, it's anticipated that they will become more significant in 2022.

A bumper ad is a brief advertisement that can run before, after, or during a video and lasts no longer than six seconds. It can be utilised in YouTube videos, as well as on Google video partners' apps and websites. You will only be charged for impressions in this format because it employs target CPM bidding. Overall, it helps increase brand recognition.

  1. Diversification

Start thinking about diversifying the search engines you employ for your PPC advertisements in 2022 and beyond. For instance, you can integrate current campaigns into Microsoft Advertising by using the Google Import function. In fact, if you list on both Google and Bing, you can reach out to more than 40 million desktop searches that you would not otherwise be able to reach.

You may also take Amazon into account in addition to Microsoft. In comparison to Google, Amazon offers a vast variety of ad kinds and superior buyer intent. In essence, even if Google receives billions of views each month, people aren't necessarily ready to make a purchase just yet. With Amazon, this is not the case.

In addition, diversification also means considering marketing strategies other than paid advertisements. While there are certainly a lot of new things to look forward to, no marketing channel should be employed in isolation.

  1. AI and automation

Although automation is nothing new, it's anticipated that in 2022 it will gain significantly more popularity. Automation will be used by more and more marketers to aid in their decision-making and provide them an advantage over rivals. In terms of artificial intelligence in particular, experts anticipate that AI will be utilised more frequently to enhance PPC campaigns by assisting with keyword optimization, bid analysis, and CTR rate prediction.

  1. Audience targeting

A brand must be visible to its audience online for PPC advertising to be effective. It's anticipated that marketing teams will place more emphasis on the characteristics of their target audience in the upcoming year and less on keywords. After all, marketing professionals have some degree of control over audience targeting and segmentation. Make sure to take the time to define which characteristics are more crucial for the kind of goods you're marketing, whether it's household income or age group.

  1. Mobile-friendly options

Over 70% of all sponsored search impressions originate from mobile devices, claims Digital Third Coast, one of the top SEO firms. When you consider how frequently people use mobile devices, this shouldn't really come as a surprise. Given that the majority of consumers conduct their internet searches on mobile devices, it's imperative to remember to adapt your PPC advertising for these platforms as well.

  1. Smart Bidding

Running a SEM campaign also involves using budget management and bidding strategies, in addition to keywords. The amount you're willing to spend for each click on your ad is, in essence, what keyword bidding is all about. When choosing an offer, smart bidding can take the guessing out of it. It essentially consists of a collection of automated bid methods that utilise machine learning to increase conversions.

It's anticipated that smart bidding will gain in popularity and strength in 2022 as more and more advertisers adopt it. It can be a helpful tool to assist you in identifying the ideal budget almost immediately by using the actionable insight it obtains from user behaviour. Additionally, given that manual bidding will probably end shortly, it is advisable to become familiar with smart bidding as soon as possible.

  1. Social Media

While search engines are utilised often for a variety of purposes, one prevalent concern is that they can present biassed information. So, even while the majority of users check social media to see what their friends are up to, it's also used as a resource for information. Social media includes platforms other than Facebook as well. While paid advertising on Facebook is effective, marketing teams should implement a multi-platform strategy by 2022, if they haven't already.

  1. SEO

PPC and SEO are tightly related, and we don't simply mean that because they share the same three-letter acronym that marketers like to use. Your PPC advertisements will continue to perform better in 2022 if they are based on the content that ranks the best. Short-tail keywords, however, might have a reduced impact given that voice search favours natural, conversational language, as was already mentioned.

  1. Remarketing

Remarketing is nothing new, just like audience targeting, and it's anticipated that it will continue to be a crucial component of digital marketing strategies in 2022 and beyond. It includes showing adverts to users after they have left your website, to put it simply. The advantage of implementing remarketing in your PPC campaign is that it can be quite effective because the ads can be highly tailored (for example, using products that they've previously browsed). Understanding where consumers are in the funnel is the key, though. If they're not quite ready to make a purchase, it can just be used as a tool to keep your brand in their minds.

  1. Responsive search ads

The introduction of responsive search advertisements is one significant shift anticipated for 2022. Marketers won't be able to develop new expanded text advertising after July 2022. (ETAs). After this time, existing ETAs will still be available, but you won't be able to update them; instead, you'll only be able to view performance statistics and pause, cancel, or resume existing ETAs.

It's crucial that marketers begin concentrating on responsive search advertising (RSAs) at the beginning of 2022 in order to assist them in getting ready for the demise of ETAs. In essence, it lets you design ads that alter to display additional content. Different headlines and descriptions can be added. Google will then continuously test various combinations to see which ones produce the greatest results. To put it another way, if you take the effort to include more headlines and descriptions, Google will have a better chance of determining which ad will perform the best. Each responsive search ad can have up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions.

Therefore, make sure to set up procedures that will assist you in creating, managing, and tracking the effectiveness of these adverts. It is best to get started as soon as possible. In light of this, make sure to regularly test your present ETAs up to the time when they are no longer necessary.

  1. First Party Data

Gathering first-party data will be essential as privacy and data protection become more of a priority. Therefore, it is anticipated that more brands would concentrate on and make investments in gathering data directly from their clients in 2022. Change it if it isn't already on your to-do list for the new year.

  1. Benchmarks

Advertising's primary objective is to assist you in earning (more) money, no doubt about it. However, in the modern era, it is no longer sufficient to judge a marketing campaign's effectiveness solely by its financial performance. In some cases, the aim is to merely raise brand recognition. Therefore, even if a campaign doesn't always raise money right away, it doesn't necessarily mean that it was for nothing. In the future, more marketers and company owners will come to understand that building brand recognition may be just as beneficial in the long run as it can be in encouraging repeat business.