Benefits of Honey | Adya Organics

Author: Aarti Kumari is a product created by bees to feed bees, however many people also like it. Humans have adored honey due to its delicious taste for millennia. Researchers have concluded that honey has more to offer than just a sweetener. It could also provide beneficial health effects, but there isn't much evidence to support the medicinal benefits of honey.

Raw honey is derived from the beehive. Some producers of honey pass the product through a fine filter to get rid of foreign matter, but the honey remains unprocessed food. The majority of honey that is sold in stores undergoes the process of heating to make more pliable and simpler to clean.

High temperatures can pasteurize honey and kill yeast cells within it, which can trigger unintentional fermentation.

Nutrition Information

Honey is essentially sugar. It's much higher in calories than the standard white sugar that is used in baking or cooking. Since it's sweeter, you might need less you're making use of it as a substitute. Additionally, honey imparts a the flavor white sugar lacks.

Raw honey isn't better than processed honey in the health or nutrition benefits. Researchers have found that processing doesn't affect the nutritional value of honey as well as antioxidant content.

Potential Health Benefits of Honey

Although it's not an abundant in nutrients, some people consider honey to be an effective food for health. There is any evidence to support many of the popular claims regarding honey, however research has supported several of the following claims:

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Honey is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the human body against inflammation. Inflammation can cause range of health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. A study found that the antioxidants present in honey from buckwheat could be identified in blood plasma, proving that eating honey can boost the activity of antioxidants in your body.

Cough Relief for Children

Health officials do not recommend prescription medications for treating infants' colds and coughs. Parents might consider natural solutions. In one study 2 teaspoons of honey helped relieve children's cough at night and allowed children to go to sleep. However, doctors don't recommend this method for children younger than one year old.

Potential Risks of Honey

Honey is a healthy food choice for most people However, not all. There are hazards of eating honey including honey that is raw:

Botulism in Infants

It is not recommended to give honey to children younger than 12 months old. Honey is a source of dust that could contain spores from the bacteria that cause botulism. Children aren't immune to many germs and could become sick. Honey in cooking meals for children is safesince heat kills the majority of bacteria.


People who are susceptible to allergies should be cautious when eating honey. While honey allergies are not common but they do happen. Maybe this is because of bee pollen found that is present in honey. Bee pollen is made up of digestive enzymes and pollen that come from bees. It may trigger an allergic reaction.

Many people believe that eating local honey helps improve the symptoms of seasonal allergies. They believe that the pollen contained in the honey helps to reduce their susceptibility to pollens from the atmosphere. There isn't enough evidence to prove this. It is possible to be risky to use honey as a substitute for than seeking medical care in the case of respiratory allergic.