Steps to Implement 5S Management System in Organization
5S is a practical, hands-on tool to effect behavior in a manufacturing environment. It is also a cost-effective tool that can be implemented with minimal investment, if have support within organization. Let's have a look at the meaning of 5S: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. The 5S framework raises to a lean manufacturing technique to remove waste and enhance the working environment competence. It has occurred as a tool to accomplish lasting improvements in any size of organization and can lead to results after a short time. Here are steps that might help in the successful implementation of 5S in organization:
Take the Top Management on Board: It is an important step before implementing 5S in organization. Take the top management on board and let them know about the system's advantages. Implementation must not get implemented unless have full permission and support from top-level management.
Engage Trainers for 5S Topic: For the 5S application, must train employees in organization. Choose a consistent and involved team of enthusiasts and get them 5S Lean Management Training by 5S professionals. Doing this means engaging some of passionate employees and later-on, you wouldn't essential to ask an expert from outside to check the status of the implementation.
Training by Internal Trainers: After trained some of keen employees for 5S, now they are on responsibility to let other employees know about the basics of 5S. For that cause, each trainer deals with their precise department and sets time and goals for the team within that specific department. A two-day 5S training workshop is a decent method to start the implementation. Some managers can also participate in the workshop to let the employees understand that the organization is truly dedicated.
Pilot Implementation: Once all departments are aware of the purpose and advantages of 5S, it is time to start the implementation of 5S management system in their respective area of work. Meanwhile, all details about performance should be documented.
Train Employees for Pilot Implementation of 5S: For the successful implementation of 5S, training to all employees is important. Team leaders might explain examples and share their experience with the performance of 5S for motivating employees. Every employee should get directed to 5S for its successful implementation.
Facilitate Employees for Full-Fledge Implementation of 5S System: Employees might have questions and essential guidance about the implementation of 5S in their respective fields. In this situation, internal trainers should help them clearly understand what they are doing and what they are expected to do.
Manage Mass Implementation of 5S: Once trained all employees about the appropriate implementation of 5S system, the only thing remaining is to supervise employees' performance. It is the responsibility of team leaders in each department to collect performance indicators and share them with the 5S project management.
Ask Employees for Detailed Weekly and Monthly Reports: It is essential to conduct the audit multiple times per month to confirm that everything is going in the right direction. It is suggested to review the growth once a week from all departments.
Classify Flaws and Loopholes: In the audit of performance, identify loopholes and try to fix them. Ask employees if they have any problems in understanding the procedure. It is dynamic to confirm the smooth and flawless implementation of 5S management system. Accordingly, the 30 seconds test is a simple method to confirm employees' understanding. For example, ask them to find any tool in under 30 seconds.
Recognize the Performance of Employees: Employees who are successful in meeting their targets must be esteemed, and their efforts must get acknowledged. This creativity maintains a high level of motivation for employees. After a certain period of implementation, share initial results with the whole organization in order to encourage everybody to continue on this track.