This Is Why Bodyguard Training Is Essential!

Author: Personal Protection

A career as a successful bodyguard for a VIP may sound like a dream job. After all, it often comes with the opportunity to travel the world, meet high-profile individuals, and earn well. However, it can be a little complex to find employment in this sector and often requires you to have excellent skills and special training.

A pro tip if you wish to become a successful bodyguard is first to get a job as an armed security guard in any field. Having some experience in security can look good on your resume when applying for a professional bodyguard role.

Bodyguard training (also known as executive protection training) will help you gain all the skills you need to be a good bodyguard. It would great if you enrolled in a professional bodyguard school to learn all the skills you need to do this job. Besides physical resistance and strength, you must know several other things before you are ready to offer executive protection services to high-profile clients.

Depending on the state where you reside, legal requirements can vary. However, in most cases, you must have professional training, licensing, insurance, and a legal permit to carry a firearm.

What Incorporates Professional Bodyguard Training?

Some things that you will learn in personal protection schools that will help you become a successful bodyguard include:

  • Firearms Tactics
  • Unarmed combat
  • Crowd screening
  • Search for explosives or bugs
  • First aid training
  • Tactical driving

Depending on the position you plan on applying for, you may also need a few other skills to do your best at work. You can find a lot of private institutions that offer professional bodyguard training courses, but it would be best to select an institution that’s nationally known and respected. Carefully choosing your teacher is also critical. You must ensure they are experienced and trained in the close protection field.

Your professional bodyguard course duration can vary from two to two hundred hours, depending on how intense your course is. A good executive protection course focuses on protective practices and methodology, with many schools being former military schools. Several programs include a hands-on section and offer professional coaching and mentoring services.

The hands-on section helps students learn when and how to use their procedures, tactics, methodologies, and techniques learned in a class. The cost of your program will vary based on its overall complexity.

As a professional close protection officer, you may be hired by actors, politicians, athletes, and singers as their bodyguards. The kind of protection they need will vary depending on their lifestyle and their role in society.

A professional course will also teach you how to organize convoy transport and control the crowd while ensuring no one from the public can access your client.

The skills you possess can be all the difference between life and death. As a professional bodyguard, you must understand that your job will require you to act swiftly under challenging situations. If you want a successful and long-lasting career as an experienced close protection officer, we suggest you get executive protection training immediately.