Things to get to know about Digital Business Transformation

Author: Emma George

The process of leveraging digital technologies and supporting capabilities to create a robust new digital business model is known as digital business transformation.

It is about implementing organizational change using digital technologies to improve performance materially. The proliferation of AMPS (Analytical tools and applications, Mobile tools and applications, Platforms to build shareable digital capabilities, and Social media)1 is altering the competitive dynamics in a variety of industries.Companies in traditional industries are increasingly recognising the need to invest in Digital Business Transformation, but are unsure how to proceed.

What is Digital Business Transformation?

The process of using digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences in order to meet changing business and market requirements is known as digital transformation. Digital transformation refers to the reimagining of business in the digital age.

It goes beyond conventional roles like sales, marketing, and customer service. With digital technology on our side, we have the opportunity to reimagine how we do business how we engage with our customers as we transition from paper to spreadsheets to smart business management applications.

There is no need for small businesses that are just getting started to set up their business processes and then transform them later. Building a 21st-century business on sticky notes and handwritten ledgers is simply not feasible. Digital thinking, planning, and building positions you to be agile, flexible, and ready to grow.

Difference between Digitisation, Digitalisation and Digital transformation?Digitisation

Digitization refers to the process of converting from analogue to digital.

Businesses used to keep paper records. Whether handwritten is used in ledgers or typed into documents and business data was analogue. If you wanted to gather or share information, you had to deal with physical documents papers and binders, xeroxes and faxes.

As computers became more available widely, most of the businesses began to convert their ink-on-paper records to the digital computer files. Digitisation is known as the process of converting information from analogue to digital.

Finding and sharing information became much easier after it was digitised, but how businesses used their new digital records largely mimicked the old analogue methods. Computer operating systems were even designed around file folder icons to make them feel more familiar and less intimidating to new users. Although digital data was far more efficient for businesses than analogue data, business systems and processes remained largely based on analog-era ideas about how to find, share, and use information.


Digitalisation refers to the process of using digitised information to make established ways of working simpler and more efficient. Digitalisation does not imply changing the way you do business or establishing new types of businesses. It's about keeping going, but faster and better now that your data is instantly accessible and not locked away in a dusty archive file cabinet.

People began to generate ideas for using business technology in new ways as digital technology evolved, rather than simply doing the same things faster. This is when the concept of digital business transformation took shape. New things and new ways of doing them became suddenly possible with new technologies continue reading…