How Much Does UPVC Spraying Cost?

Author: Revamp Spray

You may not have heard of uPVC spray painting but it could change your life! uPVC windows and doors have completely altered the way that the exteriors of our homes look. It is bright, clean, long-lasting, waterproof, and very durable, so it is the material of choice for the majority of people.

But the bright and clean look doesn't last forever. Over time, uPVC windows and doors can start to look dull and tired. For a long time, the only solution to this was to replace the doors, frames, and windows, but this can of course be pricey.

Another solution is to use uPVC spray painting for your uPVC doors and windows. This is a method of giving your uPVC fittings a clean and new appearance at a fraction of the cost of replacing the windows, doors, and frames.

What is uPVC spraying?

Before the advent of uPVC, your window frames, doors, and door frames would have been made of painted wood. Painted wood can look very striking but it does have some downsides that uPVC can overcome. For example, wood is susceptible to rotting if moisture gets in and it will need to be regularly repainted as the paint will peel.

uPVC, on the other hand, requires little to no maintenance beyond keeping it clean. It is more durable, is weather-resistant, keeps your home more insulated, and has better security.

uPVC is highly customisable, although most people choose to have it installed in a white colour.

uPVC spraying is a method of spray painting uPVC windows and doors. To change or update the paint on uPVC, you do need to use a specific method and specialist tools because normal painting will ruin the look.

uPVC paint is a specialist paint that is sprayed onto uPVC windows and doors. It provides a completely seamless finish and makes the uPVC look new.

How much does uPVC spraying cost?

Generally speaking, the cost of uPVC spraying compared to replacing uPVC windows and doors is between 20% and 25% cheaper. This can make it a great option if you only want to update the look of your uPVC and you don't need to repair any damage.

uPVC spraying costs will vary depending on a variety of factors, and you will need to consider additional costs such as labour costs, scaffolding hire, etc. Let's take a look at the sorts of prices you can expect from uPVC spray painting for your house.

uPVC spraying costsIndividual uPVC windows

To spray paint a single uPVC window frame will likely cost between £150 and £175.

Individual uPVC bay windows

You can expect the spraying of a single uPVC bay window to cost between £300 and £350.

uPVC door and door frame

The spraying of a uPVC door and door frame will usually cost between £200 and £260.

uPVC garage door

You can expect the spraying of a uPVC garage door to cost between £250 and £350.

uPVC conservatory

An entire conservatory spray painted will likely set you back between £1,000 and £2,000.

A whole house

The cost of uPVC spraying a whole house will depend entirely on how many uPVC windows and doors you have on your home's exterior.

The average cost of uPVC spraying a two-bedroom house is between £1,000 and £1,500. Whereas uPVC spraying a three-bedroom house will cost between £1,350 and £1,800 and the uPVC spray painting cost for a four-bedroom house will be between £1,500 and £2,000.